Thursday, September 29, 2005
The Marketing Of Amnesty
The truth is our laws, when they are enforced, are there to protect our citizens' lives and property. They provide an organized, structured means to determine who should be allowed in this country and for how long. To imply that our laws were meant to punish law abiding productive citizens or legal aliens is not only untrue but unworthy of the president of these United States. But the president was not referring to citizens or legal aliens, he meant criminals who had broken our laws and were living in our country without permission. He meant he wants to give them a free pass but refuses to call it amnesty. It's all in the words, illegal becomes undocumented and undocumented becomes "hardworking people who only want to provide for their families"
Now, Karl Rove is at the point, mustering support for Bush's plan to legalize millions of criminals. Of course, there is mention of a "substantial fine", whatever that means, to make this whole fiasco easier to swallow for the vast majority of Americans who oppose rewarding lawbreakers. Bush has said he wants to allow illegals to apply for a 3 year work visa, with a 3 year extension possible before they have to return to where they came from. This is a potential 6 year add on to all the illegal time they've been here already.
And now, Jeb Bush, Florida's governor and the president's brother, in a speech, calls on the federal government to change immigration policy because it is "stifling" international travel and commerce. What a crock of horse manure. This is just another step in the Bush marketing plan to ram millions of illegal criminals down Uncle Sam's throat.
Watch closely in the coming weeks as this issue becomes increasingly tense and the stakes are raised. Arms will be twisted, deals will be closed and the selling out of America will continue to be launched, I'm afraid, from Pennsylvania avenue.
Remember, John McCain and Teddy Kennedy are in bed together on this agenda. If Bush doesn't get his way, John will run on the immigration issue, claiming his experience as senator of a border state gives him deep undertsanding of the problem on both sides, as if there were more than one side.
Our nation is in deep trouble because we have elected representatives who refuse to honor and enforce the laws they disagree with. They are no better and perhaps worse than the lawbreakers they seek to reward. We must remove them from office or we deserve what we get.
Linked to the weekend trackback party at Stop the ACLU.
The Screwtape Letters Of The ACLU
Dear [Decision Maker],
As your constituent, I urge you to oppose the REAL ID Act of 2005 (H.R. 418), which is an uncalled-for assault on immigrants and would force states to deny driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants in violation of their own policies. I believe our borders can be protected and our security ensured through proper responses to critical needs, not misguided proposals on a nationalized drivers licenses and new requirements for people fleeing persecution.
This proposed legislation would allow officials to require people seeking asylum to get supporting evidence from the very governments they are fleeing. For example, Christians fleeing persecution in the Sudan or Saudi Arabia could be required to get corroborating documents from repressive governments. This lacks common sense: those fleeing their home countries to seek asylum in American don't have the luxury to obtain what amounts to an explanatory note from their persecutors.
This bill would impose federal control over the issuance of state driver's licenses, even if this violation of their own policies. The use of state motor vehicle agencies as agents of the federal immigration service would also lead to an increase in unlicensed drivers, undermining public safety and increasing insurance rates for everyone. Motor vehicles employees lack training in federal immigration law, and are likely instead to rely on ethnic profiling based on notions of who "looks foreign."
This would expand the PATRIOT Act to allow deportations of lawful permanent residents for providing non-violent, humanitarian support to organizations later labeled as "terrorist" by the government, even where such support was completely legal at the time it was provided. The bill would retroactively make entirely legal donations, even donations made decades ago, a ground of deportation to green-card holders if the organization to which a donation was made is later added to a government terrorist list. This would lessen the flow of donations by lawful residents to projects such as tsunami relief and aid to Sudan since they would have no way of knowing whether the government might decide, at some future date, that the organization was somehow involved in terrorism.
Once again, I urge you to oppose the REAL ID Act of 2005 (H.R. 418). I believe our borders can be protected and our security ensured through proper responses to critical needs, not misguided proposals on a nationalized driver's licenses and new requirements for people fleeing persecution.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.
The majority of illegals entering this country are not escaping persecution and those that are still need to enter legally. As usual the ACLU is grasping at straws to prevent us from protecting ourselves and the sovereignty of our nation.
It is particularly interesting that they pretend to be concerned about the plight of Christians in the Sudan while waging their own domestic persecution of Christian symbols, values and morals in this country. The very name of God is anathema to this group and if they could they would expunge it from our heritage.
Then, there is the nonsense about the denial of a driver's license leading to an increase in insurance rates. Allowing someone to be licensed, does not mean they will become insured and since illegals have already proven they have no regard for the law what is the guarantee they will abide by insurance requirements? That is why our insurance rates have already increased to "protect" us from uninsured motorists.
The statement about securing our borders by "proper responses to critical needs" is vague and in reality meaningless. Our borders are in a crisis, our nation is at war and the REAL ID Act is one positive way to respond to those needs. As usual, the ACLU offers nothing concrete to deal with the issue because it does not see porous borders as a problem. It would love nothing more than for us to continue to be overrun by criminals and saboteurs. The ACLU delights in striking down laws under the pretext of protecting us from our own elected legislators or attacking the very rules that the vast majority of us have voted into being. Tyranny of the minority is the rule of thumb for the ACLU and it is their atheistic, socialist thumb that they wish to have us under.
Do as they ask! Send letters to your representatives and senators but tell them you want the Real ID Act, our borders secured, the illegals expelled and,while you're at it, tell them how sick you are of the ACLU.
Tell them, not only are you for the REAL ID Act, but you're also for Representative John Hostettler's (IN) bill H. R. 2679, the Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005. The bill seeks to amend the federal law which threatens constitutionally protected expression of religion by State and local officials resulting from the threat of potential litigants seeking monetary damages and attorney fees. In lieu of attorney fees under Title 42, United States Code, Chapter 1988, a civil action brought under 42 USC 1979 alleging a violation of the Constitution’s establishment of religion clause would be limited to the sole remedy of injunctive relief and not reimbursement of attorneys' fees.
That ought to take the wind out of the sails of the ACLU along with some of the gold in her hold.
This was a production of the Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join just go to our Protest The ACLU Portal and register. You will be added to our mailing list, and we will send you further instructions.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Laugh For The Day
Scotty, Beam Me Up
A West Yorkshire hospital has banned visitors from cooing at new-born babies over fears their human rights are being breached and to reduce infection.
A statement from Calderdale Royal Hospital in Halifax said staff had held an advice session to highlight the need for respect and dignity for patients.
On one ward there is a doll featuring the message: "What makes you think I want to be looked at?"
Debbie Lawson, neo-natal manager at the hospital's special care baby unit, said: "Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people with the same rights as you or me.
From the BBC News.
New Orleans Leaders And Louis Farrakhan
Yesterday I wrote about NOPD Superintendent Eddie Compass and his ties to Louis Farrakhan. Well, now the other shoe drops and we have the connection between Ray Nagin and the Nation of Islam leader. No wonder New Orleans is in so much trouble. With this kind of devisive, paranoid and unstable leadership they were doomed to failure. I'm sure this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Racially polarizing Nation of Islam chief Louis Farrakhan claimed on Friday that he had a private meeting with New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, where Nagin gave him the information that Farrakhan later used to claim New Orleans' levees had been deliberately blown up.
Speaking to a gathering of his supporters in Memphis while promoting his upcoming Millions More March, Farrakhan said he met with Nagin in Dallas, Texas where the New Orleans mayor has relocated his family.
"We did a whirlwind tour where we hired a chartered jet, we flew to Dallas, Texas - members of the Millions More Movement - where we met with Mayor Nagin," Farrakhan claimed, in videotape of his Memphis speech posted to his Millions More Movement web site Tuesday.
It was during that meeting, Farrakhan said, where he obtained evidence that he would later use to claim New Orleans' levees were blown up.
Do The Poisoned Entrails Go On The Long Form?
Can you take off double for toil and trouble?
Yes, let's keep looking at that international law, because those Europeans are so sophisticated. Looney Tune Alert!!!
A Dutch witch has won her battle to make the cost of her brooms and spell-making lessons tax-deductable.
Tax officials finally agreed that the un-named woman could declare the cost of her overheads against tax.
Earlier, a court at Leeuwarden ruled that her witching overheads were not tax deductable, reports De Telegraaf.
The witch was a student of a witchcraft school in Appelscha which charges about £1,500 for a 13 weekend course.
Teacher Margarita Drongen said witches were taught how to make spells, prepare magic portions and heal with stones.
From Ananova.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Empty Heads Will Roll
Does anyone remember that this was the guy who wanted to bring in the security chief for the Nation of Islam to conduct "sensitivity" training. Only a few months ago, he was prepared to pay Louis Farrakhan's man, Dennis Muhammad, $15,000 to train the NOPD. Farrakhan, has called whites "blue eyed devils" and Jews "bloodsuckers". How can his security chief have any credibility in racial sensitivity?
This should have been clue #1 in the assessment of Eddie's leadership abilities. The training never happened because of the public outcry. There are many black Catholics in NO and I'm sure they weren't thrilled about Farakhan's comment regarding the previous pope: "you know that cracker, somebody need to raise that dress up and see what's really under there."
If Eddie could be that clueless, how could he have been expected to help lead a city in a time of real crisis? When we allow men of little integrity and wisdom to lead, the outcome will inevitably be disaster.
The Carnival's Coming
Come one, come all, Stop The ACLU’s Carnival Of True Civil Liberties is about to begin.
Here are the ground rules.
#1. Post must be original material, no crosspost copy and paste stuff. It must be anti-ACLU in nature, or having to do with our civil liberties that are being stripped away via judicial activism.
#2. All posts must be submitted. You submit the URL of your post, the trackback URL, the name of your blog, and the title of your post. You can submit them by emailing them to or using Conservative Cat’s Submission Form.
#3. All submissions will be due on Friday by 9 p.m. and the carnival will be hosted on Mondays each week.
#4. The usual, no profanity or invocation of violence. All submissions will be subject to the discretion of the hosting blog.
#5. It is highly encouraged for the blogs that participate to make a post pointing to the host of the carnival on the day of the carnival.
For more info go to: Stop the ACLU
McCain Perfecting The Kerry Flip-Flop
As he prepares his run for the presidency, John McCain works at mastering the duplicity of the donks. Knowing that he will probably be running against the double-dealing black belt Hillary, John is attempting to hone his skills. What other reason could there be for pretending to have one set of feelings, yet acting under the influence of another?
Aides to Sen. John McCain have confirmed that the 2008 presidential hopeful will meet with anti-American war protester Cindy Sheehan, possibly later today.
The McCain-Sheehan confab represents something of a flip-flop for the Arizona maverick.
The same day, McCain told the Arizona Star that Sheehan "is probably being used" by anti-war groups. From NewsMax.
Just last month he said Bush was right not to meet with Sheehan, telling the Tucson Citizen, "If I was president of the United States, I probably wouldn't."
San Antonio, Becoming Latest Chapter Of ACLU
Long time American Civil Liberties Union attorney Michael Bernard has been formally nominated to become the next San Antonio City Attorney.
He has been First Assistant Bexar County District Attorney for the past six years, but before that, Bernard led the opposition to the city's youth curfew and other measures designed to stop a crime wave in the early nineties.
They contaminate our newspapers, our courtrooms, our schools and our government. The insidious ACLU is everywhere, spreading its poison in the name of liberty.
Phil Hardberger, the mayor of San Antonio, has been pushing to get Bernard so the he can have a partner in his "soft on crime" agenda. God help the good folks of San Antonio.
Monday, September 26, 2005
ACLU, Spinning The News
'Living Wage'?"
"I recently heard Bill O'Reilly opine that the St. Petersburg Times is the worst newspaper in the United States. I immediately thought that must be hyperbole... until I started reading it. One need read no further than this column by ACLU director turned St. Petersburg Times columnist Robyn E. Blumner."
And, here's the part I love, because it speaks volumes about the subversive nature of the ACLU.
"As an aside, how improper is it of Ms. Blumner to be writing about (more here, and here, and here) a leftist organization that she used to direct without disclosing that fact to readers?"
Yes, how improper...SOP for the ACLU.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Monkey Business And The ACLU
Here's a short excerpt: "Forgotten in all of this was John T. Scopes. What did Mr. Scopes get out of this spectacle? Most accounts say that he gave up teaching, attempting to leave the impression that Scopes was hounded out of the profession by the strain of the case. Actually, the ACLU paid for Scopes to attend graduate school at the University of Chicago. This expensive perk is left unmentioned by most of those who comment on the trial. Scopes became a successful petroleum engineer in later years."
Hillary's Paranoia Running Rampant

The following is from NewsMax.
2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is warning that if President Bush's Supreme Court appointees succeed in overturning the federal right to an abortion, state governments would likely implement a reverse of China's one child policy that would instead force women to have five children.
"There would be many places in the country that would criminalize [abortion]," Clinton says in a new videotaped message posted to her Senate campaign web site. "They might even send women and doctors to prison."
The top Democrat painted a stark picture of government bureaucrats forcing women to bear children against their will if the new Bush court has its way.
"It would go in the direction that I saw in my travels, where, you know, in China they mandated you could only have one child. And in some places, like Romania during the Communist era, they mandated that you must have five children."
How do they come up with these fantasies? The left is getting more out of touch by the minute. Don't they realize that nobody wants the liberal fringe of this country to be fruitful and multiply and that the rest of us see children as a blessing. We're also smart enough to figure out what causes children and have better means of birth control than abortion.
Somebody needs to give Hillary her meds and take her back home to the trailer park.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Hillary, Queen Of The Trailer Park

Here is the real Hillary Clinton, delighting in hearing our president called a racist. This she devil will stop at nothing to further her own personal aggrandizement.
Rather than step in and tell Rangle he's gone too far she contributes to this slander by doing nothing. If there are racists in this group, they are Rangle and Balafonte who are causing devisiveness and fueling hate. Along with them, Hillary is willing to participate as long as she thinks it will buy her votes and increase her power. Next to her, Lady Macbeth looks like Mother Teresa.
The fact that she is being considered as a viable candidate for the presidency, shows the level to which our country has fallen. It is she who called the women Bill committed adultery with "trailer trash". She may know, since she personifies the term.
2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton praised anti-American activist Harry Belafonte on Thursday after Belafonte charged that U.S. foreign policy had "wrecked the planet."
"There's a lot of people out here who are really pissed off," Belafonte told the Congressional Black Caucus, with Mrs. Clinton and Rep. Charlie Rangel standing nearby.
"Our foreign policy has made a wreck of this planet," Belafonte complained. "I'm always in Africa . . . And when I go to these places I see American policy written on the walls of oppression everywhere."
The former calypso singer's anti-U.S. rant won immediate praise from Hillary, who stepped up to the microphone and told the crowd: "What Harry said is so important."
Hillary then charged that the Bush administration had made "a concerted effort to make it even harder for poor people and non-English-speaking people and elderly people to vote in this country." Clinton was followed to the podium by Rep. Rangel, who wasted no time in disparaging President Bush as a racist. "George Bush is our 'Bull' Connor," Rangel railed. "And if that doesn't get to you, nothing will be able to get to you, and it's time for us to be able to say that we're sick and tired and we're fired up and we're not going to take it anymore!" Mrs. Clinton offered no objection to the president of the United States being compared to one of America's most notorious racists. From NewsMax.
ACLU Wants To Censor The Ballot
Since the American people do not seem to endorse the perverted views of the ACLU, they are busy trying to keep us from getting to vote on amendments they have deemed inappropriate.
For a group that voices concerns about voter participation and access, they seem all too willing to deny us the right to vote our opinions. This, of course, is not the first incident of ACLU hypocrisy. I have written before about their refusal to take on freedom of speech causes because it didn't dovetail with their supporters' agenda.
The ACLU is beginning to feel the heat in the kitchen, so it has taken its vile recipes to the pantry. It's time to rid ourselves of these pests.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (BP)--The American Civil Liberties Union joined other liberal interest groups Sept. 21 in filing a lawsuit against a proposed constitutional marriage amendment in Florida, seeking to prevent it from appearing on the ballot in 2006.
Similar to lawsuits against amendments in other states, the ACLU suit, filed at the state supreme court, argues that the proposed Florida amendment violates the state Constitution by dealing with more than one issue -- banning "gay marriage," Vermont-style civil unions and domestic partnerships.
So far, no state supreme court has prevented an amendment from going to the voters. Eighteen states have adopted such amendments, and others are likely to follow. Texans will vote on a marriage amendment in November.
"Same-sex marriage advocates know that when the people have the opportunity to vote they overwhelmingly uphold marriage between one man and one woman," Liberty Counsel President Mathew Staver said in a statement. "Their only hope is to misrepresent the facts and derail the amendment. Pure and simple, the ACLU and its allies want to take away our right to vote. But that will not happen."
The ACLU was joined in the lawsuit by Equality Florida and the National Center for Lesbian Rights. They represent six homosexual couples.
Last year state supreme courts in Georgia and Louisiana rebuffed efforts by liberal groups to keep amendments off the ballot
More at BPNews.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Somebody Forgot To Lock Carter's Room And He Got Out Again
"Well I would say that in the year 2000, the country failed abysmally in the presidential election process," Carter told a panel Monday at American University in Washington, D.C. "There's no doubt in my mind that Al Gore was elected president."
Will someone call the home and tell them Jimmy has escaped again?
Why this snotty faced pile of parrot droppings thinks his opinion about the war, economics, elections etc. has value is beyond me. The man folded like a cheap suit during the Iran hostage crisis and was even attacked by a killer bunny. The economy was in shambles during his watch as the energy crisis crippled America. Inflation ran wild while Carter did nothing, except perhaps "lusting in his heart".
He finally delivered his infamous "malaise speech" where he blamed the American people for his failure of leadership.
In the final analysis Jimmy was pretty much Billy Carter except sober and wearing shoes.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Throw The Scoundrels Out
Who has problems with these attributes? Who thinks they are not enough to qualify him for the Supreme Court? Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (Mass.), Joseph Biden (Del.), Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) , Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Dick Durbin (Ill.). Is anyone amazed? After all, these are qualities missing from the resumes of those five senators. Integrity, the most important quality of anyone sitting as Supreme Court Justice , has no meaning to these five moral midgets.
It should come as a surprise to no one that the hard left lunatics of donkdom would miss the qualities that raise an individual to the level we truly need on the court. Their moral shallowness, lack of humility and self absorption prevent them from having any semblance of objectivity. Consumed by their desire to drive a political agenda contrary to the desires of the majority of the American people, they are unable to render objective, logical decisions and have thereby shown themselves unfit to continue in leadership roles. Translation? Throw the scoundrels out.
The ACLU, At Work Undermining America's Military
Dated 9/21/2005 from the ACLU website.
WASHINGTON - In a friend-of-the-court brief filed today, the American Civil Liberties Union urged the Supreme Court to rule that it is unconstitutional for Congress to force universities that object to discrimination against gay people to accept military recruiters on their campuses.
"Universities should be commended for holding the line against discrimination and insisting that it is wrong," said Matt Coles, director of the ACLU's Lesbian and Gay Rights Project. "For the time being, Congress can keep gay people out of the military. It shouldn't be able to violate university rules against discrimination as well."
At various times, universities have barred military recruiters from campus for reasons ranging from opposition to the Vietnam War to objections to excluding women from the military. Most recently, American law schools have refused to let any employer recruit on their campuses unless it was willing to promise that it did not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. Because the military refused, its recruiters were barred.
Congress passed laws denying Department of Defense funds to schools that banned recruiters. When law schools failed to capitulate, Congress decided to deny all federal funds (except student loans) to entire universities if their law schools barred recruiters.
The ACLU never seems to miss an opportunity to stick it to our armed forces. At a time when recruitment is essential because of the war effort, they are fighting to keep recruiters out of our schools.
If Congress has deemed it permissible to bar blatant deviant behavior from enlistment, then schools that deny armed forces recruitment should not expect the support of the Federal Government. Let them garner their support from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the Stonewall Democrats etc. and, oh yes, the ACLU.
This organization continues its spree of America hating law suits designed to bring this nation to ruin. Please don't allow it to happen or continue for even a brief time longer. Get involved.
This was a production of the Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join just go to our Protest The ACLU Portal and register. You will be added to our mailing list, and we will send you further instructions.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Apres Roberts, Le Deluge
And then, Sen. Patrick Leahy the senior Democrat on the Judiciary Committee announced Wednesday he will vote to confirm John Roberts for chief justice of the United States after leading lawmakers met with President Bush to discuss candidates for the other high court vacancy.
This is the calm before the storm. The donks will pass Roberts, because they have no chance of defeating him and the public would be furious if they tried. They will go after the next nominee under the pretense of keeping a balanced court. Where in the constitution does it say we have to have an equal amount of liberals and conservatives with a swing judge who bats from both sides of the box?
This is complete nonsense. As usual the donks try to change the rules when things are not going well for them in the game. If you can't win , cheat, it's the liberals' motto.
I hope Bush names someone soon and lets the battle begin. We will get to see the left in all its hideous reality. And wait, if Stevens leaves, as is rumored, the left will implode. May it come to pass!
Jimmy Carter, Too Far Right For The ACLU ?
What is the ACLU's basis for saying this will have a "chilling" effect on voter participation? Where are the statistics and studies to prove that statement?
We all know about voter fraud. We have seen examples of aliens and dead people voting along with those who like to vote in more than one state. That doesn't seem to concern the ACLU.
I'm not really worried about giving the government information they need to protect me. My voting rights are compromised when aliens and dead people come to the polls. In fact, our whole system of government is compromised when that happens, which is probably why the ACLU wants to preserve the status quo.
Caroline Fredrickson and her band of saboteurs need to be stopped.
WASHINGTON - Citing civil rights concerns, the American Civil Liberties Union today raised serious concerns about several recommendations of a voting commission led by former president Jimmy Carter and former secretary of state James A. Baker III. The Carter-Baker recommendations seek to build public trust in the electoral system, yet several provisions may disenfranchise potential voters and undermine privacy.
The following can be attributed to Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office:
"Though intended to improve the democratic process, several of the voting commission’s recommendations will have a chilling effect on voter participation and access. For instance, the commission recommends requiring photo identification in order for citizens to vote, which will disproportionately impact the poor and the elderly, who may not have drivers’ licenses or access to a location where they can obtain IDs. Additionally, the proposed database in which states can share voter identification information raises serious concerns about protecting Americans’ private information.
"Furthermore, the commission failed to hold a truly transparent and democratic process - only two hearings were held, and the public was not given then the opportunity to comment. Had it had a more open process, some of these civil rights concerns could have been properly addressed, rather than discounted by the current report.
"In reviewing the Carter-Baker panel’s recommendations, Congress must guarantee not only the right to vote, but the right to privacy as well."
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Nazi Hunter Simon Wiesenthal Dies
Read more at the Jerusalem Post.
Wiesenthal took a job that no one wanted but needed to be done. He lost 89 family members to the Holocaust and he made sure the atrocity did not fade from the world's memory. He was instrumental in bringing over 1000 Nazi war criminals to justice.
Rest in Peace Simon, you have run the good race.
Charlie Norwood Keeps The Fox From The Hen House
A Georgia Republican on Friday applauded the assistance Mexico has provided the United States in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, but rejected an offer by Mexican President Vicente Fox that Mexican nationals be allowed to participate in the rebuilding of the area.
"Rebuilding our Gulf Coast with labor from Mexico would divert a large part of the estimated $200 billion cost to rebuild -- paid for by American taxpayers -- out of our economy and into 'foreign remittances,' the monies sent back to Mexico from the U.S. by illegal immigrants," Rep. Charlie Norwood said.
"We should not allow our national tragedy to become Mexico's gain. The time for talk is over. The time for pleas for the administration to simply enforce the law is over," Mr. Norwood said. "Hardship has a way of bringing families together.
"If there is anything positive that can come from such an incomprehensible disaster as Hurricane Katrina, it could likely be in forcing us to come back together to help defend each other, instead of letting potential taxpayer-funded jobs for storm victims to be looted by illegal immigrant labor cheered on by Mexican President Vicente Fox."
From The Washington Times.
Monday, September 19, 2005
North Korea Pledges Again
Let's make sure we have Jimmy "crack corn and I don't care" Carter make a return trip so he can assure us everything is ok on the peninsula. Jimmy and the "dear leader" Kim "ding dong" Jong Il, now there's a pair to draw to!
North Korea pledged to drop its nuclear weapons development and rejoin international arms treaties in a unanimous agreement Monday with other countries at six-party arms talks. The joint statement was the first ever after more than two years of negotiations.
The North "promised to drop all nuclear weapons and current nuclear programs and to get back to the (Nuclear) Nonproliferation Treaty as soon as possible and to accept inspections" by the International Atomic Energy Agency, according to the agreement by the six countries at the talks.
"All six parties emphasized that to realize the inspectable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is the target of the six-party talks," the statement said.
The North and United States also pledged in the agreement to respect each other's sovereignty and right to peaceful coexistence, and also to take steps to normalize relations.
"The United States affirmed that it has no nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula and has no intention to attack or invade (North Korea) with nuclear or conventional weapons," according to the statement, assurances echoed by South Korea.
From FOXNews.
A New Home For Moonbats?
NASA briefed senior White House officials Wednesday on its plan to spend $100 billion and the next 12 years building the spacecraft and rockets it needs to put humans back on the Moon by 2018.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Alastair Crooke Perfoms At Clinton Carnival
Alastair Crooke must be the reincarnation of Neville Chamberlain, if he believes the nonsense he spouts. You need to know a little bit more about Mr. Crooke and why he fits in so well at the Clinton Carnival. I refer you to this rather lengthy piece by Daniel Pipes.
The only engagement we need to have with Hamas and Hezbollah is an armed one and it should involve no compromise. These terrorist groups have resisted compromise and ceasefires unless it worked to their benefit and, when it was convenient for them , they have broken agreements. But, they are the darlings of Clinton and his cronies.
Slick Willie is so desperate to write a respectable page in the history books, he will broker any kind of peace, even if it means raising himself up by standing on the bodies of the innocent victims of terrorism. We always knew the man had no morals, no integrity and no shame and he continues to prove it over and over again.
Antendees at the Clinton Global Initiative were told on Friday that terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas should be "engaged" by the world's peace loving nations - even if their members persist in trying to destroy Israel and America.
Newsday reports that during a session on religious-political relations, Alastair Crooke, director of the British-based Conflicts Forum, said:
"Governments should engage groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, who, despite their use of violence, were willing to participate in the political process and had strong credibility with many people in the Middle East."
From NewsMax.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Terrorist Training In Tennessee?
And yet another example of not controlling our borders. This guy was here seven years. How is that possible? It is because our government, federal, state and local, just doesn't care. The few who try to enforce the laws are sold out by their superiors or our leftwing judicial system. They are hassled and sued by radical organizations like the ACLU.
The time is here to reverse the process. We must fight the amnesty plan of Kennedy and Kolbe and demand that our government expel the criminals from our midst.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- A university student from Egypt was ordered held without bond after prosecutors said they found a pilot's uniform, chart of Memphis International Airport and a DVD titled "How an Airline Captain Should Look and Act" in his apartment.
The FBI is investigating whether Mahmoud Maawad, 29, had any connection to terrorists. He is awaiting trial on charges of wire fraud and fraudulent use of a Social Security number.
Maawad, who is in the United States illegally, told the judge during a hearing Thursday that he is studying science and economics at the University of Memphis.
"My school is everything. I stay in this country for seven years; I stay for the school," he said.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Parker said Thursday that the airport-related items were found during a Sept. 9 search.
"The specific facts and circumstances are scary," Parker said.
U.S. Magistrate Judge S. Thomas Anderson ruled that Maawad be held without bond.
"It is hard for the court to understand why he has a large concentration of those (aviation) items, and nothing else to indicate Mr. Maawad plans to stay in the community," Anderson said.
Maawad had ordered $3,000 in aviation materials, including DVDs titled "Ups and Downs of Takeoffs and Landings," "Airplane Talk," "Mental Math for Pilots" and "Mastering GPS Flying," FBI agent Thad Gulczynski testified.
The company reported Maawad to authorities when he didn't pay for $2,500 of merchandise it had delivered, Gulczynski said.From
Killers Keep Crossing, While Our Government Does Nothing
"Consider Michael Sprinkles. The 37-year-old paramedic was riding his motorcycle home from work on Sept. 6 when the California Highway Patrol says a car crossed the double-yellow line and killed him. Sprinkles’ death could easily have been prevented. The driver of the car shouldn’t have been behind the wheel -- or even in this country. Suspect Juan Bibinz is an illegal alien.
This isn’t Bibinz’s first brush with the law. He’s been arrested a dozen times. “He has been convicted of four felonies, drug charges, thefts and a count of willful cruelty to a child, for which he served five days in jail,” the Los Angeles Daily News reported on Sept. 7. Oh, and he’s been deported to Mexico -- once.'
Another disaster caused by our failure to control our borders.
Friday, September 16, 2005
This Is News
They used to say when a dog bites a man that's not news but when a man bites a dog that is news. Well then, this must be news.
A Bulgarian hunter was shot by his own dog when he tried to knock a bird out of its mouth with his gun.
Vasil Plovdiv, 35, was shooting quail in Rasgrad in the north-east of the country with his German Pointer when the dog, which had retrieved a bird, refused to drop it.
According to police, Plovdiv tried to dislodge the dead quail from the pointer's mouth with the butt of his rifle but the dog sprung at him, knocking the trigger and peppering the hunter's chest with shot.
He is being treated for chest injuries at the local hospitalFrom Ananova.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The ACLU Is Worried About Your Local Sex Offenders
"William Wiyakaska calls it a witch hunt.
Joanne Pratt says her civil rights are being violated.
Michael Price says it's a legal shunning, that makes people like him pariahs.
"It's banishment," he said. "What the city councils fail to realize is that they are punishing the families of the offenders as well. Children don't understand why they will have to move."
Price and Wiyakaska are convicted sex offenders. Pratt is married to one. All three are joining growing protests across Florida against movements to limit where they can live and work."
These people should be pariahs because they have proven themselves unfit to live in normal society. Look at their twisted logic. It is they, by their own vile behavior, that have punished the families of the victims as well as their own kin. Yet, they try to portray themselves as victims using their own families to evoke sympathy for a situation of their own making.
'Legal experts and city officials say they may be right, but that won't stop the surge of municipalities all across the country -- including Palm Bay, Melbourne and Cocoa -- considering more restrictive laws against sex offenders.
Price, who is involved with the Sex Offender Support and Education Network, has organized what he calls an "educational rally" in Palm Bay on Thursday. He contends the restrictive laws violate 14th Amendment guarantees that prohibit states from denying residents life, liberty or property without due process of law. He's hoping to march with a few hundred sex offenders and their families.
"There are lots of issues here," said Professor Drew Lanier of the University of Central Florida, adding that we don't have a right to live wherever we want. "It's a balance of the interests of the community versus the interests of the offender, and they are not exactly sympathetic figures."
Public outcry over the high-profile slayings earlier this year of two Florida children prompted many Florida cities to seek more restrictive measures on sex offenders. Nine-year-old Jessica Lunsford of Homosassa and 13-year-old Sarah Michelle Lunde of Ruskin were killed and in both cases, convicted sex offenders were charged.
State Rep. Mitch Needelman, R-Melbourne, said the public must be careful grouping offenders and predators in the same category. But when it comes to predators complaining about restrictions, he has two words: "Too bad."
"Those people should be wearing scarlet letters," he said. "I have no problem with communities saying we don't want you here."
Now, though, offenders say the crackdown has gone too far.Wiyakaska, who said he was wrongly convicted, spent time in prison in Massachusetts for molesting his brother's children. He said the tougher laws may force sex offenders to stop registering.
"Sex offenders need places to live. If town officials say you can't live there, then they force you to break the law," said Wiyakaska, now a registered sex offender living in Palm Bay. "People are being panicked. Why are all sex offenders being punished after they pay their debts to society?"
That's something Florida's ACLU lawyers are also looking into. Spokeswoman Alessandra Meetze said the new laws are simply being fueled by politicians.
"This isn't the smartest approach to keep our children safe," she said. "Effectively, are they trying to create fences around entire cities?"'
Of course, the ACLU weasels are involved on the wrong side, as usual. If there is a risk to be taken, it should be assumed by the perverts not innocent children and their families.
If we need fences to protect our kids, we'll build them. If we need to eliminate the ACLU to protect our kids, then the ACLU will become history. Family loving, God fearing, concerned and caring American parents can turn this nation on its ear and they will deal with the ACLU, its lawyers, its members and its fans in good time. We will win this war and the nation will be better and stronger because of it.
And this from The Seattle Times:"The movement to restrict where sex offenders live is not just a Florida occurrence. Fourteen states, including California, New York, New Jersey and Arkansas have passed measures restricting where offenders can live. And many places are looking into making those restrictions even tougher.
One New Jersey town has prohibited known offenders from living 1,000 feet from a school bus stop and in New York, there is a movement to ban sex offenders from municipal pools.
The U.S. Department of Justice has also created a National Sex Offender Registry, listing names and residences of offenders.
Challenges to these laws are already being made. An Iowa judge tried striking down the law, calling it unconstitutional. But a U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals recently declared the restrictions to be in the public's best interests."
The above quotes were from
The American Civil Liberties Union this week withdrew a motion in King County Superior Court that sought to bar the city of Issaquah from enforcing an ordinance restricting where sex offenders can live.
The ACLU filed a lawsuit last month on behalf of Kyle Lewis, a Level 3 sex offender, and his mother, who owns the property where her son lives. The Issaquah ordinance passed last month also makes it illegal to rent homes to sex offenders in prohibited areas.
Last week, a court commissioner denied an ACLU request for a temporary restraining order to block the ordinance until the preliminary-injunction hearing date of Sept. 23. The city then began issuing fines of $250 a day to Lewis and his mother.
Lewis didn't want his mother to be penalized and has agreed to move out of Issaquah, said ACLU spokesman Doug Honig.
"The lawsuit is proceeding, just on a slower schedule," Honig said. A trial date is set for Feb. 27, 2007, but a summary judgment could be issued earlier, he said.
The battles are forming. Pick your side.
This was a production of the Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join just go to our Protest The ACLU Portal and register. You will be added to our mailing list, and we will send you further instructions. Almost 100 blogs already on board.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Got Beer?
Yuck! The French should stick to making wine, not that I'd ever buy a French product anyway. Give me a six pack of Carnation.
Rennes, France: A Frenchman who has invented a beer made from fermented milk is selling about 300 bottles of it a week.
His recipe is secret, but it combines 75 per cent milk and 25 per cent malt with the culture used to make kefir, a traditional fermented-milk drink in the mountains of the northern Caucasus.
"The idea of producing alcohol from milk shocked everybody at first," said Marcel Besnard, who was a dairy farmer in Britanny, in the west of France, before switching to information technology.
He makes his beer, which he has named Lactiwel, in an experimental brewery, and is selling the wine-size bottles "in little shops, at festivals, and at some markets".
Mr Besnard says that despite his change of occupation, dairying has remained his "passion" over the past 30 years. He started testing different methods of fermenting milk in 2003, based on the fermentation of beer.
He is not planning to increase production as it is too expensive, but is seeking a partner to produce Lactiwel on a commercial scale.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Palestinian Civilization Comes To Gaza
It began with the burning of synagogues and then evolved into self destructive behavior. Hate does that.
There was international Jewish money that made a symbolic gesture to help the Palestinians. It had to come round about, because these Arab idiots refused to accept anything that is Jewish.
I hope those Jews now see the folly of trying to appease the scum who hate you. Hate is such a part of the Palestinian psyche it will cause them to continue to fail in establishing a successful state.
Thank you Arafat. The expression is "cutting off your nose to spite your face". Go Palestine, what a joke!
Palestinian police on Tuesday blocked off abandoned settlements and chased after scavengers in a first attempt to impose law and order after chaotic celebrations of Israel's pullout from Gaza, but the overwhelmed forces were unable to halt looting of the area's prized greenhouses.
The deal for these greenhouses was reached with the Economic Cooperation Foundation.The foundation consists mostly of private capital, including a personal $500,000 donation by James Wolfensohn, the former World Bank president who is a special Middle East envoy for the "quartet" of the U.S., the United Nations, the European Union and Russia.
The greenhouses, left behind by Israel as part of a deal brokered by international mediators, are a centerpiece of Palestinian plans for rebuilding Gaza. The Palestinian Authority hopes the high-tech greenhouses will provide jobs and export income for Gaza.
Palestinian Economics Minister Mazen Sonnoqrot said the Palestinian government would not directly or indirectly compensate the Jewish settlers for their greenhouses. But he said the Palestinian government has informed the Americans that it would accept the greenhouses from a third party.
The greenhouses, he said, would help the Palestinians economically and give them access to new high-tech greenhouse technology. "If these greenhouses remain intact we will benefit from them," Sonnoqrot said.
From various sources.
Up, Up And Away
I wonder if it was one of those musical rings.
Romanian police caught a female mobile phone thief by dialling the stolen phone - and hearing it ringing from her bum.
Police in Iasi stopped Petronela Brandus, 24, as she tried to get off a bus after other passengers said they saw her steal a mobile phone.
But after a search failed to find the phone, police decided to call the number to see where it was and heard a muffled ringing coming from under the woman's dress.
She was taken to a local police station where a strip search by female police officers revealed she had hidden it up her bottom, local daily 7 Plus reported.
Officer Madalin Taranu said: "We've had people hiding things in their bras and knickers before, but this was a new one.
"The station doctor extracted the phone and we sprayed it with disinfectant before handing it back to its owner.From Ananova.
Monday, September 12, 2005
"Voice Of The People"

Daily Bulletin Editorial Artist Gordon Campbell has won numerous awards for his editorial cartoons.
I couldn't resist posting this one, especially with the Judiciary Committee meeting today. Let's all watch how the "voice of the people" conducts itself.
ExorcisingThe Persian Devil
It will be Iran that will be the biggest problem in the war in the Middle East. Its hatred of the West, the Jews and its culture of repression will not allow compromise. The longer we wait to confront it the more difficult the task will become. The weakness of Jimmy Carter began the feeding of the burgeoning monster and now we will have to kill it.
Tehran, Iran, Sep. 11 – Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have been following closely the way the United States government has been handling Hurricane Katrina, and drawing strategic conclusions from it.
In remarks that appeared on Ansar-e Hezbollah website on Sunday, a top official of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) said the devastating hurricane had exposed America’s vulnerabilities.
“The mismanagement and the mishandling of the acute psychological problems brought about by Hurricane Katrina clearly showed that others can, at any given time, create a devastated war-zone in any part of the U.S.”, Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, the official spokesman of the IRGC, said.
“If the U.S. attacks Iran, each of America’s states will face a crisis the size of Katrina”, he said, referring to the massive hurricane which hit the southern coast of the United States. “The smallest mistake by America in this regard will result in every single state in that country turning into a disaster zone”.
“How could the White House, which is impotent in the face of a storm and a natural disaster, enter a military conflict with the powerful Islamic Republic of Iran, particularly with the precious experience that we gained in the eight-year war with Iraq?” he said.
Jazayeri said the hurricane havoc showed that “contrary to public perception, the strength of America’s leadership is like a balloon, which can easily burst”.
The Revolutionary Guards spokesman said the U.S. administration’s inability to end the insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan showed the “weakness of America’s defence and state departments, as well as its intelligence and security apparatus”.
In a defiant tone that mirrored recent remarks by top officials of the Islamic Republic, the IRGC spokesman said, “Precise information from inside America shows a lack of coordination among military, security, and political agencies in that country and brings to light the fact that others can cause many times the amount of damage compared to the blows they may receive”.
Jazayeri said predictions “that the U.S. would soon disintegrate into smaller independent states are completely feasible from a scientific, logical, and political point of view”.
Turning his attention to the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, Jazayeri said, “Now is the time to tell the world public opinion about those events and the weaknesses of the White House’s response”.
“Don’t forget one thing about that day; the U.S. President and all the American leaders ran away and hid themselves”, he said.
From Iran Focus.
And Now, From Sweden,The Feminist Initiative
The following is an article from Ananova.
A new political party in Sweden says it will abolish marriage if it gets into power.
The Feminist Initiative, which expects more than 20% of the vote in next year's election, claims marriage "is not about love, but about ownership".
FI founder Tiina Rosenberg, said: "Instead of marriage we want to promote a co-habitation law that ignores gender and allows more than two people in a partnership."
But she said in allowing relationships to involve more than two people, the FI did not want Sweden to fall back into a "patriarchal structure" with one man having a harem of women.
"A man who lives with eight women in a patriarchal structure, where the man decides and the women obey is not what we are aiming for," said Rosenberg.
And in order to encourage men to vote for them as well, the party's all-female board is also calling for the introduction of a six-hour working day.
I'd say these people have too much time on their hands already.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Stop The Crescent
The ACLU has brought suit to have a tiny cross removed from Los Angeles County seal. Where are they on this?
If you do nothing else today, write to the National Park Service to protest. It's the least you can do in memory of those who died so bravely. If you have a blog, get the word out. Do not allow this to stand.

Four years ago this morning, Muslim terrorists flew jets into the World Trade Center, killing 2,749 people.
Today, bagpipes will play, bells will sound and the names of the dead will be read aloud. Let these remembrances renew Ameica's fervor. Let it sharpen our sword and strengthen our resolve.
We need to remember also, those who danced in the streets of the Middle East when the attack occurred. We need to remember the beheadings, the mutilations and the desecration of corpses. We need to remember the preaching of Islamic clergy and scholars calling for the death of America and Israel. We need to remember the vicious attacks on our ally Great Britain. We need to remember the random killing of innocent civilians around the world by bombings.
Then, we must decide to root out these people and eliminate them with extreme prejudice even if it takes the next 100 years. Let our determination know no end, let there be nothing we will not endure, let there be no sacrifice so great that it will prevent us from bringing retribution and justice upon the enemy. We must win this war decisively.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
The Hunt's Not Over
If nothing else, these monsters should never know a moment's peace, until they die.
One of the most sadistic Nazi doctors during the Third Reich who is suspected of hundreds of murders is still on the run in Spain. But police are possibly closing in on him.
Police in Spain said Friday they were combing the eastern region of Valencia for Aribert Heim, claimed to be the world's second most wanted Nazi war criminal, amid reports the hunt has been narrowed to a small coastal town.
Heim, 91, is suspected of having tortured and killed hundreds of prisoners at the Mauthausen concentration camp, and has been compared to Josef Mengele, the so-called "angel of death" who was a doctor at Auschwitz.
According to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which tracks suspected Nazi war criminals worldwide, he is "the second most wanted Nazi war criminal after Alois Brunner."
Friday, September 09, 2005
Another Missing Child
Police launched a nationwide manhunt Wednesday for a missing Ontario High School girl and the sex offender suspected of kidnapping her.
Authorities said they fear for the safety of 14-year-old Laura Martinez, who disappeared before she made it to school Tuesday. They believe she was taken by 28-year-old Elias Flores Martinez, a convict who previously tried to snatch young girls in Ontario and Mexico. A motive for the abduction remained unknown Wednesday, but police were beginning to suspect the man may have befriended the girl and convinced her to leave with him.
Police issued an Amber Alert on Tuesday night and sent information and photos to the Border Patrol. A $500,000 arrest warrant for kidnapping was issued for Elias Martinez. Investigators are especially concerned for the girl's safety because of Elias Martinez's criminal history. Court records show he has been required to register as a sex offender since October 2000, when he was convicted of sexual battery in San Bernardino County.
Martinez was initially charged in that case with two counts of assault with intent to rape. The charges were reduced to a single count of sexual battery as part of a plea bargain in which Martinez was ordered to spend three months in jail and three years on probation.
A judge also ordered him to leave the country, stay away from underage girls and register as a sex offender.
His name does not appear in the state's sex offender database, indicating he never registered.
It appears, however, he did leave the country.
Only a few months ago, Martinez tried to abduct a 17-year-old relative in Guerrero, Mexico Laura's parents told police.
Police said the man then fled from Mexican authorities back to the United States.
From the
The Fertility Coaster
This is a great story.
A woman thought she could not have children is now a mother - thanks to a white knuckle rollercoaster ride.
Nayade Elbing, 28, and her husband Arnold had been trying to have children for several years without success and believed she was sterile.
But, after making love in their home, the young couple visited their local entertainment park at Hassloch in Germany where Nayade went on the Expedition GeForce, one of the world's fastest rollercoasters.
One week later her gynaecologist, Dr Thomas Gent, told her she was pregnant.
He said: "We believe that she conceived due to the G force of the rollercoaster ride."
In the meantime, Cuban-born Nayade has given birth to a little boy now called Leandro Elias.
The entertainment park gave little Leandro, nicknamed G Force by his dad, a life-long free ticket for rollercoaster rides.
From Ananova.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Where Were You, ACLU?
One would think freedom of speech would be high up on the ACLU's agenda as they go to bat for child pornographers and the like.
Well let's return to a time of the 60's and 70's when the liberal lunatics were pushing population control. Environmental groups like the Sierra Club were touting "zero population growth" as a solution to saving mother earth.
However, when it came to pass that zero population growth needed zero immigration to make it possible, suddenly the tune changed and the liberals were dancing to a different fiddler.
This takes us to 1999 and an opportunity the ACLU turned down to defend a free speech case in NYC. What follows is from an article called "The Liberal Two-Step". I have placed a link to the piece at the end of this post. It would be well worth your time to read it and also to visit Stop The ACLU.
The ACLU refused an open-and-shut free speech case in New York City — because it was about limiting immigration. In 1999, an immigration-control group named Project USA started putting up billboards in New York with pictures of two children with the inoffensive (and accurate) caption, "Immigration is doubling US population in our lifetimes," citing the Census Bureau as the source. City officials threatened the billboard companies with financial retaliation if they weren't taken down immediately, and the companies caved. One staff attorney told Project USA privately that the ACLU couldn't take such an obvious free-speech case because "there is a large and growing immigrants' rights faction within the organization."
Information from a National Review article by Mark Krikorian.
This was a production of the Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join just go to our Protest The ACLU Portal and register. You will be added to our mailing list, and we will send you further instructions. Almost 100 blogs already on board.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Shift Happens
All the emotion in the world cannot alter our inability to stave off natural disasters. Those of us who believe in The Almighty, however, know that He is in control and we can seek refuge with Him.
As a pastor I once knew used to say, "I don't know what my future holds, but I know Who holds my future.
LOS ANGELES - Pick your cataclysm: A tsunami washes over Miami. A massive quake rips Los Angeles. Or the volcano under Yellowstone erupts, spewing ash across America and ushering in a new Ice Age.
Surprised by Hurricane Katrina's destruction of New Orleans and the problem-plagued recovery, experts are revisiting with a new concern the risks posed by everything from killer asteroids to ocean-shaking landslides.
They also are considering a haunting new question: How can a disaster as widely predicted and slow-moving as a storm still pack such a devastating surprise in the United States?
"Hurricanes happen with some regularity and we can't deal with them. How can we deal with an earthquake?" said Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a specialist in uncertainty and risk at the University of Massachusetts. "We have a problem."
The potential catalog of calamities considered by scientists starts with the near-certainty of a major earthquake on California's San Andreas fault, and proceeds to far-shot catastrophes such as an Atlantic Ocean tsunami triggered by a volcanic landslide.
Then there are the "near-earth objects" and "supervolcanoes" -- seen as tiny risks now despite a geologic record of life-altering catastrophe.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which tracks asteroids at risk of hitting Earth lists three for "careful monitoring."
Those include a mass 350 yards in diameter given a 1-in-5,560 chance of crashing here in April 2036, the nearest collision window of the asteroids most closely watched.
Steve Chesley, a NASA astronomer, said none of the 1,200 or so near asteroids that are larger than 1,100 yards (1 km) are on the watch list -- good news since it is believed it would take an object of that size to deliver a climate-changing blow to the planet.
Many scientists believe that an impact near Mexico's Yucatan peninsula led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, by ejecting dust and particles into the atmosphere which chilled the planet for several years.
Even so, Chesley said, a medium-sized asteroid of the kind that top NASA's watch list would be "absolutely capable of causing damage across several states, for example."
Asia's deadly tsunami in December focused attention on the risk from the huge waves triggered by earthquakes and other events of equal power.
Steven Ward, a geophysicist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, has studied the threat of a tsunami if the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted in the Canary Islands.
Such an outburst, he projects, could cause a steep block of the island of La Palma to break off and crash to the ocean floor, touching off a rare Atlantic tsunami.
The worst-case rupture could send waves of up to 300 feet to the African coast within an hour and 75 feet tall to the beaches of Florida after nine hours. "These things do happen," Ward said.
Then there is the scenario in which a little-recognized volcano under Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming erupts again. The volcano spit out enough debris in a massive burst 2.1 million years ago to bury Texas with 12 feet of ash.
The risk of any eruption in the next hundreds of years is seen as very small, but the prospect of a killer blast drew attention after a 2003 BBC "docudrama" on the subject.
"My dad always used to joke that more people probably die of tripping on their shoelaces than from volcanoes," said Smithsonian Institution volcano expert Rick Wunderman. "But we'd like to look ahead and know what's coming -- just like with this hurricane."
The closest thing to a sure-bet U.S. disaster awaits in California, experts agree.
A magnitude 7.5 quake under Los Angeles could kill as many as 18,000 and cost $250 billion, according to computer models.
Meanwhile, the state's San Andreas fault is seen certain to at some point set off a magnitude 8 quake, possibly more powerful than the quake that destroyed San Francisco in 1906.
That would cut off the water and natural gas flows into Los Angeles, sever road and rail ties and effectively strand a region with 10 times the population of New Orleans, said Lucy Jones, a scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey.
"It is absolutely when and not if," she said, urging residents to take steps now to recognize the risk and prepare. "I'll bet most people in L.A. don't have a store of water."
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
A Book Review And The ACLU
Book Review - The ACLU Vs. America | |
By Gary Schneider Sep 5, 2005 |
The ACLU from its very inception has embraced principles antithetical to the founding tenets and subsequent prosperity and decency of this nation. The ACLU and their cohorts continue to aggressively undermine marriage, the family, the protection of children, the value of life, religious liberty and even American sovereignty itself. To this end they have acquired vast swaths of wealth and have been successful in undermining the will of the people in furtherance of their leftist anti-American putsch via the exploitation of the court system and their consistently applied strategy of legal intimidation, misinformation and fear.
Read the rest of this review at The National Ledger and follow it up with a visit to Stop the ACLU.
Hypocrites At The UN
The "evidence from around the world suggests that" the UN is unecessary and exists mainly to give voice to political midgets who are nothing more than boils on the butt of progress.
Expressing regret over Iraqi government's decision to execute by hanging three men accused of kidnapping, killing and rape, the United Nations has called on Baghdad to commute the death penalty in future.
While recognizing the "serious challenge" posed to the rule of law by terrorism, the insurgency and criminal activity, the UN Assistance Mission for the country said that evidence around the world suggests that capital punishment is a poor deterrent to crime.
Monday, September 05, 2005
The Bread Of Life
"We're getting reports of how some religion-based 'aid' groups are trying to fly evangelists into the stricken areas and how U.S. Army chaplains are carrying bibles -- not food or water -- to 'comfort' people," Ellen Johnson, president of American Atheist, said in a statement.
"People need material aid, medical care and economic support -- not prayers and preaching."
Ellen, you can only say that because you haven't tasted Jesus.
The Whore and The Bore
This shows her half-hearted apology about her Vietnamese photo ops for what it is, bad acting. Always the whore of America haters, Tom Hayden, Ted Turner and now George Galloway, America needs to express its opinion of her repulsive behavior. Let her become the woman without a country, a pariah, scorned wherever she goes. Sure, she'll have her left wing fan club but the rest of America should ignore her and boycott her work.
As for Galloway, let him keep his America hating, terrorist loving, ugliness at home in Europe. There, he can bore parliament with his low class rhetoric.
Jane Fonda will join George Galloway, the most radical member of the British parliament, on a tour of the United States to accuse the Bush administration of spending money on Iraq that should be spent to help the poor of New Orleans. The argument, likely to offend many Americans, follows British newspaper and television coverage of Hurricane Katrina that focused on the bungled handling of the aftermath of the storm. Mr. Galloway, a passionate supporter of anti-Western causes in the Arab world, has been sneered at in Parliament as the "member for Baghdad" because of his regular trips there before the U.S.-led invasion. He also has been accused of receiving allocations to buy and sell 20 million barrels of Iraqi oil, a charge he has strongly denied.
From the Washington Times
Sunday, September 04, 2005
The Circus Is Coming Back To Town
His death comes even as senators prepare for the battle over the confirmation of President Bush's nominee, judge John Roberts.
Rehnquist's death will lead to even more controversy and theatrics by the lunatic left. After all, Rehnquist was Roberts' old boss and it is reasonable to expect they shared some ideology. Now, Bush gets to place another conservative on the court.
So once again, we will have to listen to Schumer's antics, Boxer's swoonings and Leahy's laments.
Quickly now, liberals, cue "Send In The Clowns" and call out NARAL, the ACLU and all your other cadres of civil disobedience and prepare them for disrupting our political process one more time. Maybe you can even find some convoluted logic for demanding Bush confer with Cindy Sheehan before announcing his choice for Chief Justice.
I can smell the popcorn and cotton candy already.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
The Real Shame Of America
It is bad enough that some Americans have disgraced us all by preying on their neighbors and adding to the misfortunes of their fellow citizens, but now we have to listen to the babblings of the self-appointed know-it-alls and perennial malcontents of our society.
This rabble brings nothing positive to a problem, no solutions, no insight, only self-defeating, demoralizing drivel. Standing on the bodies of the afflicted, to raise themselves up, they engage in the hollow oratory of the doomed. This is why they cannot lead America, this is why they must not lead America.
If there were only some natural cleansing agent to remove their pollution from our midst.
In an open letter to President Bush posted on his Web site, liberal filmmaker and anti-war activist Michael Moore suggests that a delay in rescuing stranded residents of New Orleans was based on race and class.
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) joined the Congressional Black Caucus Friday in blasting the Bush administration's response to the Gulf Coast hurricane disaster.
Racism is partly to blame for the deadly aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said, calling President Bush's response to the disaster "incompetent."
Randall Robinson: I am a sixty-four year old African-American. New Orleans marks the end of the America I strove for. I am hopeless. I am sad. I am angry against my country for doing nothing when it mattered.
Crowds response to National Guard arrival: "Hell no, I'm not glad to see them. They should have been here days ago. I ain't glad to see 'em. I'll be glad when 100 buses show up," said 46-year-old Michael Levy, whose words were echoed by those around him yelling, "Hell, yeah! Hell yeah!"
Racism is partly to blame for the deadly aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said, calling President Bush's response to the disaster "incompetent."
In a broadcast yesterday, Air America radio talk radio host Randi Rhodes repeatedly urged listeners in the hurricane-devastated Gulf Coast to go out and loot, insisting the poor should be allowed to steal goods at will.
Kayne West at a Red Cross benefit: "I hate the way they portray us in the media. You see a black family, it says, "They're looting." You see a white family, it says, "They're looking for food." And, you know, it's been five days [waiting for federal help] because most of the people are black. And even for me to complain about it, I would be a hypocrite because I've tried to turn away from the TV because it's too hard to watch. I've even been shopping before even giving a donation, so now I'm calling my business manager right now to see what is the biggest amount I can give, and just to imagine if I was down there, and those are my people down there. So anybody out there that wants to do anything that we can help -- with the way America is set up to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off, as slow as possible. I mean, the Red Cross is doing everything they can. We already realize a lot of people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way -- and they've given them permission to go down and shoot us!"
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin exploded in frustration last night as his city spun further out of control, saying that Gov. Kathleen Blanco and President Bush need to stop holding "goddman press conferences" and "get their ass[es] on a plane and sit down, the two of them, and figure this out right now."
"I'm ashamed of America. I'm ashamed of our government," said a Democrat congresswoman, Carolyn Kilpatrick, from Michigan. "I'm outraged by the lack of response ..."
Friday, September 02, 2005
Get Your Air Here
Anyone who would buy this already has too much air in their head.
A man is selling Welsh air to expatriates who miss the valleys.
John Gronow from Lakeside, Cardiff, has collected air from Snowdonia and the Brecon Beacons and will sell it on his website
Each bottle comes with a certificate guaranteeing the air has been gathered in the Welsh mountains.
He said: "I am offering a genuine service for people who want something of Wales that reminds them of their childhood or their homeland. It is the genuine article from the green, green grass of home.
"There are more Welsh exiles out there around the world than there are in Wales who long for something from the land of their fathers."
The bottles of air will sell for £24 reports BBC online.
From Ananova.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Middle School Mischief Of The ACLU
Quite frankly, students rights of free expression in Middle School should be reasonably limited and no one is infringing on their right to attend school.
How to dress appropriately may well be part of the education process when the parent or guardian fails to meet the educational requirements at home. Paying your taxes does not buy you the right to send your child to school as you see fit.
It is this parents kind of attitude that will be passed on to the child thus spawning a societal malcontent. These are the people who live to protest any and everything. It is at the very heart of the ACLU.
The bottom line is, no harm has come to these children other than the lesson their parents are preventing them from learning and the bad example they are setting.
Of course, the ACLU is there to foment unrest and rebellion even in Middle School. The recruitment starts early.
Protect our values and traditions from the ACLU.
This was a production of the Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join just go to our Protest The ACLU Portal and register. You will be added to our mailing list, and we will send you further instructions. Almost 100 blogs already on board.
The student dress policy at Napa's Redwood Middle School has caught the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union.
The ACLU sent a letter to local school officials on Tuesday saying the school's "appropriate attire policy" violates the California Education Code.
While several Northern California schools bar students from wearing colors that suggest links to street gangs, Redwood requires that students wear only clothing in solid colors and prohibits denim or denim-looking material, logos, pictures and patterns.
The ACLU complained to Napa Valley Unified School District Superintendent John Glaser that Redwood's policy "restricts far more than could reasonably be determined to threaten the health and safety of the school environment" and "children were deprived of class time due to their failure to comply with the policy."
Glaser said the ACLU is a late arrival to the debate, and that the school district is already considering revisions to the policy.
"By the end of next week we can tell you if there is even a problem," Glaser said. "Once we have looked at what the law says. We may have to revisit what kind of standards we would like to hold for Redwood Middle School. We will be working closely with parents to resolve this in a way that is right for everyone."
According to the ACLU, California Education Code section 48907 denies school administrators the authority to engage in censorship of student expression. The group says Redwood's code violates that law. The ACLU has intervened on behalf of two women whose children attend Redwood.
Donnell Scott and Kim Shin sought exemptions for their children on the first day of the current school year, but were denied. Their children were removed from class for wearing jeans.
Scott said that after several failed attempts to meet with Stan Smart, Redwood's director of student services, she and Shin decided to go to the ACLU.
"Wednesday was a nasty fiasco," said Scott, referring to the first day of classes on Aug. 17. "They were held from learning. I pay my taxes and (school officials') job is to educate my child, not to dictate what they wear. That is my job."
The ACLU letter said the school policy infringes upon students' constitutional right of free expression, as well as the children's right to attend public schools.
Scott said she is fighting for her daughter's right to dress how the rest of the district is dressing, and not succumb to the policy enforced by Redwood Principal Mike Pearson.
"We need to nip this in the bud now," said Scott. "I don't know what he thinks he is going to lose" by allowing blue jeans.
While the school reconsiders the policy, Scott's daughter is attending classes and conforming to the policy.
Earlier this year, several Redwood parents wrote letters to the Register about the clothing policy. While some thought it restrictive, others said they believed it led to a more disciplined and mature learning environment.
As of September, school officials said they are going to allow blue jeans on half-day Wednesdays, but students will be mandated to wear a corresponding blue wristband. The wristband requirement is intended to help distinguish between students and non-students who may attempt to come on campus.
From the NapaNews.