Sunday, December 18, 2005

Feliz Navidad

Just Friday, in Fox Wants To Run Our Henhouse, I was writing how Vicente Fox should take care of his own country and not be so busy minding America's business. If Fox was really worried about the "rights" of his people he would do something about the harassment, extortion and robbery inflicted on them by Mexican government personnel.

Someone should translate that maxim about people living in glass houses for Mr. Fox. He certainly needs someone to remind him which country he's responsible for running and how it is not acceptable to meddle in your neighbor's internal affairs. Stuff that in your tortilla and eat it, Vicente!

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican migrants returning home from the United States laden with money and Christmas presents have complained of being harassed, extorted or robbed by Mexican police and customs officials, the government announced Friday.Since Nov. 1, the government has received 28 complaints from migrants, about 20 percent higher than during the same period last year, said Florencia Martinez, head of the Paisano Program, a government effort to clamp down on corrupt public officials and to welcome migrants home for the holidays.
Martinez attributed the increase to migrants becoming more aware of their rights and initiatives that have made it easier to file a complaint — and not to more corruption.

Thanks to the Sierra Vista Herald.

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