Thursday, May 13, 2010

Arizona Responds to the Will of the People

A strong majority of Americans support Arizona's new immigration law and would back similar laws in their own states, according to three new polls released Wednesday.
  • 64 percent of registered voters said they favored the law in a survey of 1,016 adults conducted May 6-9 by the McClatchy-Ipsos poll.
  • Some 73 percent of those surveyed by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press said they approved of the provision that requires people to provide proof of their legal status, compared with 23 percent who disapproved. A further 67 percent were in favor of allowing police to detain anyone unable to verify their legal status, while 62 percent supported police having the power to question anyone they believed may in the country illegally.
  • A NBC/WSJ poll found sixty-four percent favor this law, while 34 percent oppose it.
It looks like most of the opposition comes from those pandering to Hispanic hysteria whipped up by the insane liberals.

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