Sunday, June 19, 2005

Turkeys Of A Feather Flocking Together

They're circling the wagons trying to defend Durbin.

Vermont Senator Pat "Leaky" Leahy tried to spin his way out of the Democrats' Nazi-gate scandal yesterday by saying his colleague was misquoted in the Wall Street Journal.

Asked whether he objected to Durbin's characterization of GI's as "Nazis," Leahy told WVMT Vermont's "Charlie & Ernie" radio show, "First of all, with Sen. Durbin, I'd be very careful about taking quotes off the Wall Street Journal editorial page."
"They are notorious for taking quotes totally out of context," he added, "even making them up."

Durbin's quotes, however, didn't appear in the Wall Street Journal, but were instead first covered by its sister web site,, which obtained the incendiary remarks from actual Senate audio broadcast by radio hosts Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

Unfazed by his error, Leahy blasted the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq, suggesting that the U.S. had done just as much damage to Iraq as Saddam Hussein.

Reminded of the Iraqi lives that have been saved since Saddam's fall, Leahy shot back - "We could also think of the tens of thousands of Iraqi lives that have been lost since the fall of Hussein."
Thanks to NewsMax.

Leahy needs to be gone along with Durbin. Its time we purged the Senate of these rats. I sent the following message to Leahy.

Dick Durbin needs to resign for his defamation of the United States and its military.Your bumbling defense of his treachery and your attack upon our war efforts on the radio indicates you also need to resign. You are both unfit to lead and an embarassment to the proud history of our nation.
Send your message to Leahy here.

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