Friday, August 01, 2008

Race Within The Race

John McCain has accused Barack Obama of playing politics with race after Obama claimed Republicans will try to scare voters by saying he "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

This preoccupation with race has been evident from the git go. Barack plays on his blackness by intimating if you don't vote for him, you are a bigot. He and his jackals have not produced one iota of evidence substantiating his charge that Republicans are trying to scare voters by pointing out Barack looks different (read Negro).

All the race nonsense has come from the Obama camp. Jeremiah Wright was Barack's racist pastor. A vast number of blacks readily admit they're voting for Obama, not because he's the best candidate, but because he's black. Barack has learned this race game well and will use it to manipulate issues so they favor him. If he's doing this as a candidate, imagine what we have to look forward to if he's actually elected.

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