Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Advisory Panel Says, You Gonna Die
Paul Krugman from the NY Times explains how those death panels are really quite the boon to the American taxpayer. I guess he's right as long as the patient isn't someone you care about. Of course, in liberal speak they're "advisory" panels and sometimes they just have to advise people to die. This would be funny if it weren't going to be so tragic for some of us.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Barack Calls Attacks Heinous
President Obama has condemned the rush hour bombings in the Moscow metro, offering his condolences to the Russian people. He said the American people stand united with the people of Russia in opposition to violent extremism and "heinous" terrorist attacks. Could the "war on terror" not be over?
The difference between America and Russia is that Russia will actually do something while all we do is talk. Still it's nice to know that Barack is outraged, once again.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Barack Fails to Punish Iran, Again
Meanwhile, the king of transparency kept his ongoing feud with Israel under wraps by having closed door meetings with Netanyahu. Obama did not even allow photographs. He doesn't want to offend the muslims.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
But As For Me
The time has come again to rise up against the tyrant and refuse the price of chains and slavery he would inflict upon us. As we move closer to election day let us join together to inflict as many casualties as possible upon the enemy.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Stupak's Betrayal, the Slaughter Of the Unborn
House Republican Leader John Boehner pointed out that an executive order does not have the force of law.
"The law of the land trumps any executive order, which can be reversed or altered at the stroke of a pen by this or any subsequent president without any congressional approval or notice. Moreover, while an executive order can direct members of the executive branch, it cannot direct the private sector," he said. "No executive order or regulation can override a statutory mandate unless Congress passes a law that prohibits federal funding from being used in this manner."
Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, said the group was set to give Stupak her group's "Defender of Life" award next week, but instead "we’re going to be working hard to see who we can find to run against him.”
“In a completely cynical move, they have made this bill passable and each of them are going to pay individually," she said. "And that’s what we do. That’s what we love to do is unelect people who say they're for life and then completely betray the movement.” And, betrayal is what has happened, proving, once again, that the left should never be trusted.
Stupak was bought and paid for. U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak announced three airports in northern
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Chalice from the White House has the Pellet of Impeachment
It is time to draw the line. Those of us who love the America we grew up in must stand up and defend her. Obamacare, Amnesty and the rest of Barack's third world plans for our future must not stand.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Who Will Protect and Defend the Constitution?
The US Constitution
Article 2, The Executive Branch
Section 1, The President
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Article 1, The Legislative Branch
Section 7, Revenue Bills, Legislative Process, Presidential Veto
But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively.What we have now are two branches of government, both willing to defy the letter and the spirit of the law of the land, the United States Constitution. If Congress sends legislation to the president that does not meet constitutional requirements, it has broken the law and all those responsible for such legislation should be removed from office. If the president signs such legislation, thereby breaking his oath to protect and defend the Constitution, he also needs to be removed from office. The citizens of the United States must take whatever step necessary to make sure the Constitution is preserved.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Vice President Eejit
"God rest her soul," Biden said Wednesday night as he introduced Cowen and President Barack Obama.
Sure, he's no better than he should be, the eejit.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Obama's Hard Line on Israel
Washington notified Israel that envoy George Mitchell had put off his trip. Thus our great diplomat Barack managed to aggravate one of the worst feuds in our history with Israel. He does all this in an attempt to ingratiate himself to those who danced in the streets of East Jerusalem and Nablus after we were savagely attacked on 9/11.
Israel annexed this territory after winning a war over forty years ago. Why is Obama meddling in the internal affairs of another nation? Could it be that he agrees with the prophet's psychotics that Israel is illegitimate?
Monday, March 15, 2010
Obama's Impotent Outrage
He claimed to be "choked up with anger" over news that AIG had used millions of dollars in taxpayer bailout funds to pay bonuses to employees.
When Obama was asked by Chip Reid of CBS, if he was as angry as his Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, about all of the leaks coming out of his administration regarding the Afghanistan deployment decision he said, “I think I’m probably angrier than Bob Gates about it."
Those are just a few examples of our president's anger and outrage.
And now, an American woman who worked at the consulate in Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, and her husband were fatally shot by hitmen in broad daylight on Saturday as they left a consulate social event. Obama said the killings "outraged" him. If his outrage and anger may be judged by recent history, they are meaningless and will come to nothing.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Michael Newdow, Godspeed
If you can't convince the 9th Circus Court, Michael, you'll have little success convincing normal people. Get over it.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Kennedy Gone Wild
I've heard about people giving up booze and drugs only to become very angry sober people. Here's their poster boy.
Watch CBS News Videos Online
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Obama's Judge Thinks Killer Rapist is a Victim
And a loose cannon is what Chatigny seems to be if one looks at his conduct in trying to fight the execution of convicted serial killer and rapist, Michael Ross, also known as The Roadside Strangler. In a fine example of what liberals use to replace logic, Chatigny described the killer of at least 8 women as a victim of his own "sexual sadism."
That by itself should be enough to disqualify this idiot as a human being, let alone a judge. He pressured Ross' attorney and threatened to go after his law license if he didn't challenge Ross' scheduled execution even though Ross had said he did not want to fight. He expressed his concern that Ross was mentally unfit. He offered that perhaps isolation in prison had led him to despair, poor baby. Meanwhile, the federal appeals court had already overturned two of Chatigny's prior postponements of execution.
Later seven prosecutors from Connecticut filed a complaint against Chatigny with the Judicial Council of the Second Circuit.
This "judge" also issued a ruling that Connecticut's sex offender registry was not constitutional. He was later unanimously reversed by the Supreme Court.
Not only should this nut case not be given a new job, the president should be made to explain why he was chosen.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Obama's US Gets No Respect
Now, it's important to realize that the Democracy Corps calls itself an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to making the government of the United States more responsive to the American people." It was founded in 1999 by former Clinton adviser James Carville and Stanley Greenberg, a leading Democratic pollster and Third Way calls itself "the leading moderate think-tank of the progressive movement."
So, these are not right wing or Republican pollsters trying to make Barack look bad. It seems he needs no help in doing that. 46 to 42 percent plurality of likely voters said they feel less confident about this administration's handling of national security because of how it responded to theChristmas Day terrorist.
Obama was supposed to improve our standing in the world. Allies would soon be tripping over themselves to support us around the globe. What happened? Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Brazil, Turkey and the list of failures grows and grows.
Monday, March 08, 2010
The Government, They're Back

After the recent winter blizzards, all the highway signs were covered with snow, making them impossible to read.
One state decided to raise all the road signs twelve inches at a cost of six million dollars.
A reporter was interviewing citizens to get their reactions to this new taxpayer burden.
“That’s an outrageous price!” said a local farmer, “but I guess we’re lucky the state handled it instead of the federal government.”
“Why’s that?” asked the newsman.
The farmer commented wisely, “Because knowing the federal government, instead of raising the signs, they’d have decided to lower the highways.”
Save America's Health, Kill the Bill

This is the time to make your voice heard, America. Keep the pressure on your representatives and senators. Wherever you can make your face heard, be there. If you can encourage or persuade another citizen, do so. Do not let up. Obamacare must be stopped and then, it's on to killing the next try for illegal amnesty.
America is counting on us, we must not fail her.
Check out Michelle Malkin and her post on the Obamacare Road Show.
Keep in mind, Democrat leaders in the House are struggling to get the 216 votes they need to pass the Senate bill. As many as 12 conservative Democrats who voted in favour of the House bill because it included tough new restrictions on abortion funding are now threatening to vote against the Senate version, which is less restrictive. The House bill passed by 220 to 215 so Democrats have few votes to spare. They can and must be stopped.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
I Love A Parade

"I am guilty," Massa said in an interview with a Corning, N.Y., newspaper columnist. At least he has more courage than Charlie Rangel and David Patterson, who deny the obvious truth of the charges against them.
Anyway, boys, fire up the calliope, the clowns are on parade.
Friday, March 05, 2010
All Ashore That's Going Ashore
Of course, according to Delahunt his decision is not related to politics, nor to the fact that he happened to be the local district attorney who accepted the incredible findings of the local and state police that crazy Amy Bishop's shooting of her brother was accidental.
No matter what these liars tell us, we know they're quitting because now it's personal and we're coming to get them.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Now, It's Personal

I saw this picture on the web this morning and I just had to share it. Barack and his obamatons have awakened the US. An angry America is a powerful force and come November retribution will be full of shock and awe. Be afraid, liberals, be very afraid.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Arizona Trys to Fix Trespassing Problem
The new proposal would criminalize the presence of illegal immigrants through an expansion of the state's trespassing law. It also would require police to try to determine people's immigration status when there's reasonable suspicion they are in the country illegally. What a concept!
One element of the proposal would ban local sanctuary policies, rules that prevent police from questioning suspected illegals.
Of course, the resident Democrat kooks are opposed. Democrat Kyrsten Sinema, a Phoenix loco liberal, denies that cities and counties have any written or de facto policies that make them sanctuaries. "It's just not true," Sinema said. Sure, Kyrsten, and who wouldn't believe someone like you?
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
How Can Al-Qaida be Growing?
Now, of course the reason for the terrorists' growth and popularity will no longer be arrogance and diplomatic failure. No, now it will be poverty, illiteracy and wretched living conditions forcing these victims to have no other choice but to torture, maim and kill.
So, prepare yourself bankrupt Americans. You will go further into debt borrowing from one enemy, China, to pay for food, guns and medicine for your other enemies whose names may not be spoken.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Too Dangerous for C block
Shutter Island wouldn't house this crazy woman.
When asked by ABC to grade the past year, Pelosi said, "I think I get an A for effort." If you got an A, madame, it's hardly for effort. Another word springs to mind immediately.
To CNN she said, "A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes."
Recently she insisted she's running the most ethical Congress ever, but won't ask Ways and Means Chair Charlie Rangel to resign. She did admit that Rangel broke House rules but downplayed the significance of it, saying what he did was not "something that jeopardized our country in any way."
It's time to put her in an "I love myself jacket," run a couple of hundred volts through her, followed by a few botox injections and a frontal lobotomy. Then she may safely be put in a ward with Jimmy Carter and Al Gore.