Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Boxer Blows BS

Is there no end to Babs using her privileged position in the Senate to push her personal agenda? What absolute nerve this bitch has discussing "truth" with Condi Rice. Boxer wouldn't know truth if it jumped up and bit her, although I can't imagine anything wanting to taste that venomous, pernicious festering flesh.

Disgusting and vile as this woman is, and knowing her twisted sense of what is moral and ethical, how can we allow her stream of poisonous vomit to permeate the hallowed halls of government? She does not even recognize truth as an absolute, so why doesn't she grant her postmodernist wiggle room to Rice? After all, Babs, what is true for you may not be true for me. God, she makes me want to puke except I think she would see it as a warm lunch.

These are dark days in the Republic. Ms. Rice, I apologize as an American citizen that you were subjected to such vulgarity. Thank you for being willing to serve anyway. We need you.

1 comment:

Zelda said...

Bob you have a hillarious way with words. I agree with you about Barbara Boxer.