Saturday, January 29, 2005

Springtime for Hitler

I am completely mystified that people weren't repelled (many still aren't) by Michael Jackson ages ago. What does it take anymore to make people turn away from what only can be described as a grotesque life form. My God, we're still in awe of freaks and side shows; except now instead of putting them behind the curtain and peeking at them for a quarter we put them in front of the curtain and give them a quarter of a million. Hey, as long as you entertain us whatever you do is ok.
Thank goodness Hitler couldn't sing and dance or we'd have been waltzing him out every Oktoberfest to sing Deutschland uber alles and do beer commercials. If only son of Sam had been able to do a little soft shoe he might never have been convicted. Think of it, Charles and Marilyn Manson singing "You don't need analyzin' It is not so suprisin'. That you feel very strange but nice."
Good grief, what is happening to this country and its people. Maybe it should be, what will happen. God forgive us.

1 comment:

BobG said...

I was going to ask, which one, but I won't. If you mean Marilyn, let's just mention his criminal sexual conduct charge in Detroit. He pleaded no contest to a reduced charge and paid his fine.
If you mean Charlie, then you are part of the problem.