Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Three Years Later, Kerry Has His Comeback

OK, everyone, John Kerry is ready now. He has the answers, the comeback for those nasty swift boaters who contested his war record three years ago. John, can you say "slow witted."

Not since George Costanza of Seinfeld tried to deliver a retort to a coworker who caught him stuffing his face with shrimp have I seen such a pathetic attempt to save face.

On Monday, Kerry indicated he may still have designs on the presidency and if that wasn't funny enough, he said he's compiled a dossier on his war record. It sounds like Nixon's transcripts of his tapes. Why doesn't Kerry just open everything up to everyone right now and be done with it? Can he possibly look any more ridiculous and pathetic?

This is the last gasp of a desperate man. When you scheme and deceive most of your adulthood to attain a goal and then fail to reach it, you must view your life as rather shallow and pointless.

To further illustrate how much he doesn't get it, Kerry then went on to wonder why Republicans seem to have cornered the Evangelical vote. Listen to this convoluted quote. ``Evangelicals care enormously about the centrality of the teachings of Jesus Christ and of the Bible,'' he said. ``If you lead a life and if you are involved in issues that manifest a concern for those kinds of issues, there’s no reason that one separate issue or another ought to create a wedge.''

As John reminded us during his stumbling run for the White House, he reread the New Testament to make sure he didn't miss anything. The man just doesn't get it and he never will.

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