Saturday, June 21, 2008

Obama Shows His True Colors

That's it. Obama is now smearing Republicans as racists and bigots in order to win. The guy who said he was going to unite us, the guy who said he would not stoop to using race, has shown what he learned at the feet of Jermiah Wright.

He says, he expects Republicans to highlight the fact that he is black as part of an effort to make voters afraid of him. Who is hightlighting his blackness except Obama himself. He could be portraying himself as a man of two races, but no that would cost him too many militant black votes. So, instead he is going to try and drive a wedge between whites, hoping to garner enough guilt laden individuals to put himself over the top.

Well based on this latest statement by Barack, infused with anti white racism, every Republican, every person who has a Republican family member or friend, if you like McCain or not, should rally to reject this candidacy of embitterment and hatred.

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