Thursday, February 08, 2007

What's The Matter With Kids Today

I just couldn't let this story in Newsday pass without a comment.

Danny Fernandez hit a police officer in the head with an aluminum baseball bat and then stole his gun and handcuffs. Why? Danny says he has a problem with authority figures. "I was just doing what everybody wishes they could do, but is too scared to."

I was wondering if Danny really believed that and if so where did he get such an insane idea. I for one have never fantasized about beating cops with a baseball bat or inflicting injury on them in any other way. I doubt I am alone in that. In fact, I truly believe Danny would be more of the exception than the rule.

However, one does not have to read for long before discovering who contributed to Danny's bizarre beliefs.

His mother, who answered the phone at her home in Flushing, NY, but didn't give her name (I wonder why), said her son is not a criminal. "He made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes," the mother said. "He is a good little boy. He had a big depression."

There you are. The mom is as crazy as the son. Her son is a criminal, not a good little boy (he's 21 years old) and what he did is not a mistake. He committed a premeditated act of violence not a blunder or misinterpretation.

Danny has a 15 year old brother and a seventeen year old sister. Heaven help them if they've been raised by this modern day Ma Barker.

Read more details at the NY Post.

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