Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Poor Richard

Why do we publicize the views of entertainers? Most often, their comments are moronic or vile.

The latest example is Richard Gere trying to excuse Hillary.

CNN reports that Gere told Wolf Blitzer in an interview on Monday that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “misspoke in the moment” when she said that human rights “can’t interfere with the global economic crisis.”

He doesn't get it. Just like the former NY senator abandoned the Jews when she no longer needed them for election purposes, she will abdicate any position, break any promise, violate any ethic when it suits her purpose.

Get over it Richard, the Dalai Lama can't deliver anything the Clinton's want so you and your Tibetan victims won't even get a polite nod. To Hillary human rights is a mere speed bump in the road to reaching her personal goals.

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