Sunday, January 30, 2005

Preying People

I had a visual as I was falling asleep. Hillary Clinton being interviewd.

Interviewer: "Do you believe in praying Senator?"
HC: "I've always been a preying person. Bill and I have always believed that the family that preys together, stays together. And, we have done that, plundering, pillaging and raping for our own gain. Yes, I would say we are definitely predatory with Bill probably the more rapacious.
Why if you ever watch Bill ogle some pretty young thing, it's the same look a lion has while watching a gazelle on the African veldt.
I, on the other hand, am more of a sophisticated despoiler, tending to have a long lasting injurious or wasting effect.
That is why I feel religion is so important to people. Without it, they are vulnerable to people like us.

1 comment:

Zelda said...

Very funny Rob! That sums up Hillary Clinton perfectly.