Sunday, May 15, 2005

Newsweek Needs to Go Away.

Newsweek needs to be driven out of the market for its reckless reporting. The editor Mark Whitaker says they "regret that we got any part of our story wrong". Guess what Mark ? Your regret is of no help to the people who died, were injured or lost property because of your publication. The damage to your own country, its military and the boost you gave the enemy cannot be calculated. Your lack of discretion has injured America around the world. Don't bother to continue to look into any charges, you have no credibility.

Newsweek is owned by the Washington Post Company, I have given you a link to them and their sister publications, cable company, tv stations etc. Use them to vent your anger, boycott etc. but use tact and stay reasonable lest you be mistaken for a looney liberal. In other words, one of their own.
There needs to be an outcry against this injudicious wild ass reporting. Hold the offenders accountable and make them pay the price of their folly. And Mark Whitaker, we regret having to do this but I'm sure you understand!


loboinok said...

Great post...I can't stand Newsweek. You know what I can't stand even more? Rolling Stone. I made the mistake of ordering that liberal magazine...I thought it would be about music you know? I've tried to get them to stop sending...I havent' paid in two years...and they still send me their socialist propaganda!

BobG said...

Well, look at it this way. It's costing them money and you're not about to be converted, so I think it's probably ok. Use it to wrap garbage or line a bird cage or start a fire in the fireplace.