Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Heinz-Kerry Secrecy Syndrome

The Kerrys seem to have a "thing" about releasing information. While it seems to be taking forever to get John to be completely forthright regarding his now infamous 180 form, let's not forget this is almost family policy.

In 2004, Teresa Heinz (and that is her legal name, she uses Kerry for political purposes only) refused to release her tax returns. "This is my life, my business, not John's...I think it is very important to keep the privacy zone. There is a tradition of this," she stated. Sounds like the Heinz-Kerry party line to me. it might have made sense and carried more weight, had she not been bankrolling John's campaign with loans and had she not owned the mansion they were living in at the time.

These two seem to have trouble separating public and private.

John Kerry, release your FULL military records.

Join the "Free John Kerry's 180" Blogburst every Tuesday. Details avilable at Cao's Blog.

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