Sunday, July 30, 2006

Does Iran Have A Plan?

Writing in Front Page Magazine just recently, Robert Spencer gives a chilling interpretation to Iran's refusal to reply to the Western offer of incentives for abandoning its nuclear program until August 22nd. He quotes Farid Ghadry, the president of the reform party of Syria, who asserts that Iran chose that date for a very sinister reason.

According to the Islamic calendar August 21st was the night Mohammad took off on a creature described as an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place its hoof at a distance equal to the range of vision. It is often pictured as having the face of a woman. Check out the Pakistani truck above.

Anyway, back to the point. Mohammad got airborne on this creature from Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem where he headed off to visit heaven and hell and the other prophets while a great light lit up the sky. This is known as The Night Journey, or Miraj, and is what Islam uses to try to put a claim on Jerusalem as a Muslim holy city.

Spencer says, according to Ghadry, Ahmadinejad is planning an illumination of the night sky over Jerusalem to rival the one that greeted the Prophet of Islam on his journey. What the Iranian President, he says, is “promising the world by August 22 is the light in the sky over the Aqsa Mosque that took place the night before. That is his answer to the package of incentives the international community offered Iran on June 6.”

So, what does the Muslim madman have planned? Is it nuclear or conventional or is it just the usual Baghdad Bob hyperbole that we always hear in the Middle East? This looney toon is evil incarnate and has already declared that
Israel had "pushed the button of its own destruction" by launching its military campaign against the Iranian-backed Hizbullah in Lebanon.

Ahmadinejad getting ready to launch his apocalypse? Let's hope Israel and the US are watching closely.

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