Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Terrorists Learning Spanish

CNS has a special report on the continued violation of our borders by Arabic-speaking illegals. According to this article, the invaders are learning Spanish and integrating into Mexican culture before paying smugglers to sneak them into the United States. It states that the , "Texas Sheriffs' Border Coalition believes those individuals are likely terrorists and that drug cartels and some members of the Mexican military are helping them get across the border."

Iranian currency and military badges in Arabic have been found along the banks of the Rio Grande. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) is quoted as saying, "For years, Muslims and other 'Special Interest Aliens' from places other than Mexico have been streaming into the U.S. across our porous border. These people are not paying $50,000 or more a head just to 'take jobs no American will do."

Meanwhile, the media is more concerned with John Mark Karr than our failure to secure our nation from another terrorist attack and the government is busy seeing who can get the most mileage out of the war in Iraq.

Check this out, tonight on Fox News:

Hannity & Colmes (cc)
Back Door for Terror — While we wait in airport security lines, Al Qaeda is smuggling terrorists across our southern borders. Tune into find out how they might be getting away with it!

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