Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Feinstein, the Fairness Fuhrer

Senator Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., said Sunday she is "looking at" the possibility of reviving the fairness doctrine for U.S. broadcasters.

Speaking on "Fox News Sunday" with Senator Trent Lott, R-Miss., she said talk radio has presented a one-sided view of the amnesty legislation presently before the Senate.

"This is a very complicated bill," said Feinstein. "Most people don't know what's in this bill. Therefore, to just have one or two things dramatized and taken out of context, such as the word amnesty -- we have a silent amnesty right now, but nobody goes into that. Nobody goes into the flaws of our broken system."

Feinstein said the new bill "fixes those flaws" but that doesn't get presented on talk radio, which she said "pushes people to ... extreme views without a lot of information."

The only reason we have "silent amnesty" is because elected officials refuse to do their sworn duty and enforce the laws of our nation.

It is not talk radio that has left our borders in shambles. It is the Diane Feinsteins and Trent Lotts in Washington because they have allowed and continue to allow our nation to remain vulnerable to criminals and terrorists. If there was such a thing as fairness, they would, at the very least, be covered with tar and feathers

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