Sunday, July 27, 2008

Obamanos Fails To Deliver To The Troops

What happened to Barack's plan to visit U.S. military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, housing American troops injured in Iraq? Why it was cancelled because it couldn't be used for political gain. The pentagon wouldn't allow it. But Obama could still have made the visit it just wouldn't have been a photo op.

His "team" is desperately trying to find wriggle room, now that they've been caught, once again, with their patriotism at their knees. They're saying that the last thing Obama wanted "was to have injured soldiers get pulled into the back-and-forth of a political campaign."

Bullcrap! Once again the Obama campaign has shown their true colors and they are not red, white and blue.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said later Friday that the Pentagon did not explicitly say Obama should not visit the base but was concerned with whether his capacity there would be one of a presidential candidate, not a senator. "We do have certain policy guidelines for political campaigns and elections. And what is appropriate and what is not appropriate in those situations. But the Pentagon certainly did not tell the senator that he could not visit Landstuhl," Whitman said.

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