Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Deadly Wrong

Joe Biden, Obama's court fool, said Tuesday his predecessor, Dick Cheney, is "dead wrong" when he says President Barack Obama's national security policies are making the United States less safe.

"I don't think he is out of line, but he is dead wrong. ... The last administration left us in a weaker posture than we've been any time since World War II: less regarded in the world, stretched more thinly than we ever have been in the past, two wars under way, virtually no respect in entire parts of the world," Biden said. "And so we've been about the business of repairing and strengthening those. I guarantee you we are safer today, our interests are more secure today than they were any time during the eight years" of the Bush administration.

Let's see, Obama wants to get rid of our nukes, cut defense and is unable to get anything more than polite applause from our allies. Is everybody safer?

There will be another attack on this nation during the Obama-Biden watch and when it comes they should be made to choke on their words.

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