Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Which Is It, Doc?

In a CNN interview, Lou Dobbs questions doctor Dan Jernigan, Deputy Influenza Director for the CDC.

DOBBS: The World Health Organization, as you know, doctor, has not recommended -- they raised the alert level to a four, the highest level they've ever raised the alert level to worldwide, but they did not put forward border closures or restrictions of any kind. Are you surprised at that?

JERNIGAN: Well, not really. We know that the virus does not respect borders. And this virus can transmit from person to person very quickly. So there are some things that we have done, though. We have put some travel advisories, to say that folks should avoid nonessential travel to Mexico. And that's something that we did as a country. So WHO has made that decision and they are the ones that I think it would be best to talk with them about that.

OK, if we're not stopping people from walking across our borders, what is the point in advising people not to travel to Mexico? Travel restriction either helps or it doesn't and travel means both directions. Which is it, Doc?

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