Thursday, September 21, 2006

How Many Ameros To Buy America?

We are all too aware that president Bush and most of the other politicians in Washington have failed to protect the sovereignty of the United States, but evidence is mounting that they are plotting against it. WorldNetDaily has an article on the meeting of the North American Forum that took place recently. Topics included "Demographic and Social Dimensions of North American Integration." There was no real press coverage of this meeting and if you couple it with projects like the envisioned superhighway running from Mexico, through the US and into Canada it presents a troubling scenario.

Then, there is the discussion of the single North American currency, the "Amero." Check out this
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article that ends with the question, "Must the Bush administration happily sacrifice every shred of American sovereignty for the greater good of the New World Order?" At the Council on Foreign Relations site you can find press releases that contain frightening references to "trinational" task forces and visions of a "new" community by 2010. Also, read Jerome Corsi's article at Human Events. And read the White House statement on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. No wonder we can't pass legislation to prevent the illegal alien invasion. No wonder Bush wants an amnesty called a guest worker program.

The majority of Senators, most of the administration many business executives and corporations are complicit in what is beginning to look like treason. Selling out the sovereignty of the USA is exactly that, no matter how you slice and dice it.

Be vigilant America, you have enemies both foreign and domestic.

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