Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wrong Answer, Khalid

Thanks to Michelle Malkin, I found this story (watch the video)about A Spanish teacher at Smithfield-Selma Senior High School in North Carolina. Khalid Chahhou resigned this week after handing out an interesting assignment. He gave students a word-search puzzle. The students started uncovering alarming messages. "There were words like 'kill,' then I saw it said 'destroy America,'" one student remarked.

Khalid's excuse? "When I made the assignment, I was upset and angry about a story I recently saw on the news. If any message appears, it is more of a message to myself, not to my students. I never meant to hurt or upset any students or parents," Chahhou said. If "destroy America" is the message you're sending to yourself then you're going to upset some Americans, pal.

By the way, a search for Khalid comes up with this little mention from August at Khalid's seems to be a busy little bigmouth.

Speaking at a pro-Lebanon rally a stone's throw from the White House Saturday, attended by thousands, Khalid Chahhou, from North Carolina, said Bush's comments do not promote the U.S. government's fight against terrorism.

"All those people here are against terrorism and we are against fascism also, so to classify Muslims and fascists, that's unfair and unjust, and it doesn't make America in the eyes of many Muslims respectful," he said. "If Mr. Bush means by 'fascists' terrorism, then we are all against terrorism." Really, Khalid, and where does the "destroy America" part fit into that?

TRACKBACK: Michelle Malkin

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