Friday, May 06, 2005

Billboards By Liberman

Liberman broadcasting which put up those Los Angeles, Mexico billboards was on Fox this afternoon. Lenard Liberman said he couldn't believe the racism that erupted in response to his ad and that he had been brought up to be tolerant. The guy was so unbelievable that what follows is a little research I did on Liberman broadcasting Inc. Let's look at the real agenda here. Is Lenny really surprised and offended by the righteous response to his advertising?
The Yahoo company profile.
If you prefer el radio to emit espaƱol, then turn to the Libermans. Liberman Broadcasting owns and operates 16 Spanish-language radio stations and four Spanish-language television stations in California and Texas. The company also owns television production facilities in Dallas, Houston, and Burbank, California. Father-and-son team Jose and Lenard Liberman founded Liberman Broadcasting in 1987 and own more than 95% of the company. President and Director: Jose Liberman.
The Libermans make millions each year by broadcasting TV and radio shows in the U.S. in the Spanish language. You may have heard of their show, "Gana la Verde," or "Win the Green," where contestants compete to win a green card. Liberman explains,“Basically, six people appear every day on the show. The show is on the air five days a week, Monday through Friday. We hope to produce at least 110 shows a year, and those six people go through a series of physical challenges culminating in a job challenge and here is one final winner who, at the end of the program, wins one year’s worth of legal assistance in their immigration case before the INS.”

Also, Liberman shouldn't be bringing up tolerance. There's a matter of gay-bashing broadcasting involving them. In fact, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and the National Coalition Against Violence (NCAV) convinced some big advertisers -- Chevrolet, Nissan and Kentucky Fried Chicken -- to no longer do business with them. Read the media release it's really interesting.
Oh yeah, Leonard and Jose are the epitome of good taste. These weasels will sell out any person, any principle and any country to line the company coffers. Liberman can't hide his sleaziness. After listening to him, I wanted to douche my ears.

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