Friday, August 08, 2008

I Don't Want Barack's Future For My Children

In Elkhart, Indiana a young girl asked Barack Obama why he is running for the White House.

"America is, is no longer, uh, what it could be, what it, it once was," Obama said haltingly. "And I say to myself, I don't want that future for my children."

For the first time in history a man who is part black is running for and has a chance to win the presidency. Obama thinks that doesn't bode well for our future? When could that have happened in the past? As always, Barack speaks only in vague, meaningless generalities. He gives no specifics.

What is wrong with this man? Why can't he and his wife, realizing the opportunities they have been given, praise the positive attributes of our country?

People who look for flaws will always find them because nothing in this life is perfect. However, there is nothing more depressing than being around people who focus on the negative. How can we possibly live through a presidency filled with the cynicsm, annger and bitterness of the Obamas? We can't!

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