Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Only Following Orders

According to CIA documents released yesterday, back in 1958 we knew the whereabouts and the alias of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann and did nothing.

After discovering the horrors of the concentration camps and seeing firsthand the heinous crimes of the Third Reich, allowing the mastermind of the Jewish extermination plan to remain free is unconscionable. Those members of our government that allowed this to happen seem no better than the perpetrators themselves.

In order to protect members of the West German government who were certainly guilty of collusion with Hitler's Nazis (
Hans Globke), the CIA turned a blind eye to the fact that Eichmann was living in Argentina using the alias Klement. Although he was not a card carrying member of the Nazi Party, Globke had served in the Jewish Affairs department of the Nazi government during World War II and was involved in writing laws designed to remove Jews from German society. The CIA worked closely with him and assisted the West German government in protecting him.

How sad, that after all the tragedy, we were still not moved to seek justice for those many victims. What a disgusting blemish on the character of our nation.

The good news is Eichmann was captured by a team of Mossad agents in 1960, later tried by an Israeli court, found guilty on all counts and sentenced to death.

Thanks to CNN

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