Friday, March 30, 2007

Tehran Rosie

As expected, the mad muslims in Iran are parading out their hostages in direct defiance of international law. The lunatic leaders that run the country are demonstrating to the world why there is no point in negotiation and why pumping some cruise missles into that hell hole is probably the most civilized way of dealing with the prophet's psychotics.

"Using our servicemen in this way for propaganda reasons is outrageous," said a British Foreign Office spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with department policy. Prime Minister Tony Blair called it "completely wrong -- a disgrace, actually -- when people are used in that way. It's contrary to all international law and convention."

Those statements are all well and good, but it's quickly becoming time for action instead of words. And while we're dealing with Iran let's also take care of planet Rosie who is now saying that the British went into Iranian waters to provoke this incident. Silencing Rosie would significantly reduce carbon emissions,eliminate oxygen waste and beautify the world.

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