Monday, July 07, 2008

Summon The Fool, John Kerry

John Kerry just can't keep from making an ass of himself. Now, he says that John McCain doesn't have the judgment to be president. Yet, he made overtures to McCain to run as his vice president in 2004. Has anybody told Kerry the vice president is one step away from the presidency, should anything happen to the commander in chief?

Kerry says that McCain has been wrong about every judgment he has made regarding the war in Iraq. But, it was McCain who urged President Bush to send more U.S. troops to Iraq to help control violence. The surge has worked, we're winning the war. It was Kerry and Obama who were against the surge and were flat out wrong.

A ringing endorsement for McCain is criticism by the court fool of the Democrat party, John Kerry. Someone hand him the donkey ears and let him continue braying for our entertainment.

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