Thursday, November 01, 2007

This Lady Is A Tramp

The Wicked Witch of Wellesley returned to her alma mater Tuesday. Wellesley is an all-women’s college in Massachusetts and Hillary's campaign suggested this week’s debate could help her with women voters.

Hillary told the assembled coven, “in so many ways, this all women’s college prepared me to compete in the all boys’ club of presidential politics.”

Yet her aides told The Washington Post, ‘Ultimately, it was six guys against her, and she came off as one strong woman."

What nonsense. On one hand her people are saying that "the men" (and they have to mean that broadly to encompass UFO Kucinich and Johnny Edwards) are piling up on her, yet we are to believe she can hold her own with anyone. If she were president, she'd have to deal with mostly male world leaders, many of whom, especially in the Middle East, don't think women are fit to lead. But, once again the Clinton's want to have it both ways. Treat Hillary like a lady even though she's a political whore. Get a life Democrats, this horse has been ridden hard and put away wet too many times to be treated like a thoroughbred.

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