Sunday, November 18, 2007

What Is ICE Thinking?

Newsmax reports on immigrants Pedro and Salvacion Servano who have been model U.S. residents since arriving from the Philippines in the 1980s. Pedro is a prominent family doctor in Pennsylvania and his wife runs a grocery store and bakery. Two of their four children have graduated from Temple University, one is in high school and another in middle school.

It seems an error they made about their marital status on visas many years ago is causing them to face deportation to the Philippines.

Newsmax writes that letters of support to the government have poured in from local dignitaries, Servano's patients and even someone from the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees ICE.

"I fervently believe in the ICE mission. However, the Servanos did not sneak into this country illegally, they have broken no laws, and they have not been a burden to the economy. They pose no threat," DHS counterterrorism operative Bill Schweigart wrote in a letter obtained by The Daily Item of Sunbury. "I cannot fathom how deporting the Servanos fulfills any portion of the ICE mission. In fact, I would argue the action runs counter to it."

I would have to agree. It seems sanctuary and compassion are afforded only to gang members, criminals and publicity whores. If you're the kind of immigrant who plays by the rules and respects the hospitality of our nation, expect persecution.

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