Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Penn Is Crazier Than The Kucinich

The race for the Democrat presidential nomination is over. Sean Penn has endorsed Dennis Kucinich for president. Appropriately it was announced at San Francisco State University.

It is, at the very least, interesting to watch the looney birds begin to flock together. If you can stand the insane rantings of a madman run amok, go here to the full text of Penn's endorsement speech.

Kucinich and Penn are both big supporters of Hugo Chavez, the paranoid dictator of Venezuela. Kucinich wants Vice President Cheney impeached while Penn seems to be opting for a firing squad, an event in which he would like to include Bush, Rumsfeld and Rice.

Yes, the kooks for Kucinich are gathering and if nothing else, they are the comic relief in the campaign .

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