Monday, January 07, 2008

Deperate Times Call For Tears

It's over in the Clinton village if Hillary's trying to elicit sympathy with tears. And she has the unmitigated gall to attribute her sudden burst of feigned weakness to, “People who followed me during the course of my life know that I’m a passionate person and I care deeply about what happens to people." Really, Hillary, the way you cared about those women your husband seduced, abused , assaulted and raped? The way you cared about those you plotted to destroy because they disagreed with you or were potential speed bumps on your race to power?

Cut the crap you ignorant slut! You care not one iota about anyone or anything except a return to power. And it is galling you that you are being beaten. Fortunately your opponent is a young, black man and there is little you can do to him without being tagged as a vindictive racist. You are now the victim of your own evil strategy. Sometimes justice happens.

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