Thursday, October 22, 2009

How High's the Heat, Obama?

In an interview with NBC, when answering a question about the White House's attack on FOX News, Obama said "the American people are a lot more interested in what we're doing to create jobs or how we're handling the situation in Afghanistan."

That's an interesting way to put it. A more truthful statement would have been, "the American people are a lot more interested in why we haven't created more jobs; why after 7 months of stimulus 49 out of 50 states have lost jobs. The American people are a lot more interested in why we haven't moved quickly and decisively to support our troops in Afghanistan instead of prolonging inaction on the war for months."

Barack is looking for any enemy he can focus on that will keep the spotlight off of him and the pack of radical scum he runs with. He will attack FOX, the insurance companies, the Chamber of Commerce, senior citizens, anyone that can take away some of the heat he's beginning to feel.

It's time to stoke the furnace, folks, Obama needs to get out of the kitchen.

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