Monday, April 04, 2005

Our Neighbor Vinnie

Here's an excerpt from The American Thinker.

Like much of Latin America, there is a terrible leadership deficit in Mexico. One thing's for sure - the next President of Mexico probably won't come from President Vicente Fox's PAN party in the 2006 presidential election. Fox has been nothing but a disappointment to Mexico's voters - 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss' - is a common assessment among Mexicans.
Fox won the election five years ago promising to change Mexico, but has done very little to change anything. Few free market reforms were undertaken, scant new jobs were created, and in the grating dynamic of "reforms" as they are executed by such 'third-way' regimes, GDP went up in low single digits, based on the production of a few big companies and government spending. New small companies were never formed. The renewed mercantilism - or, in Latin America, the term is 'corporate state' - in turn made the rich richer and the poor poorer.
And angrier.

See, Mr. Vinnie the Fox has a very real need to condone and promote illegal border crossings. Read this whole article, it's an eye opener.

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