Monday, July 24, 2006

Kerry's Continual Carping

John Kerry, on Sunday, took his customary cheap shot at the administration.

Referring to the crisis in Lebanon, Kerry said "If I was president, this wouldn't have happened."

No, John, I'm sure by this time you would have already sold out to Iran so there would be no need for them to unleash Hezbollah as a distraction.

Kerry said Hezbollah should have been targeted along with al-Qaida and the Taliban, but of course fails to tell us how he would have done that without invading Lebanon, Syria and Iran. Oh, and of course Iraq would still be under Saddam because Kerry was against that war after he was for it. But, wait doesn't that mean he would have been in Iraq and then pulled out once he found out there were not enough WMDs to satisfy the left wing of his party? Who can tell, not even Kerry knows what he thinks , but that's why he's not president, thank God!

Hat tip, The Detroit News.

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