Sunday, July 09, 2006

Oldstyle VS Newstyle

Sister Toldjah has the Hollywierdo of the week. Ethan Hawke "who, in light of the war in Iraq (which he opposes) and seeing the President in a cowboy hat and boots, urges men onward to a ‘new kind’ of masculine identity:"

Go read the whole thing. Sister Toldjah also asks "Would you like to show your support for old style masculinity? Then please trackback to this post with photos (or linking to photos in the comments) of manly men - photos that would no doubt give Ethan Hawke and others like him a serious case of the elitist intellectual eye-rolls."

OK, here's some "oldstyle" men in their cowboy hats to add to Sister Toldjah's collection.

TRACKBACK: Sister Toldjah

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