Saturday, February 12, 2005

Dean Doesn't Get It Yet

I was watching the news today and saw "mad dog" Dean trying to rally his troops. My favorite part was listening to him stumble over how the dems will attract Evangelicals and Catholics. There was no confidence in his voice, his words were unsure and his direction unfocused.
Howie admits he doesn't go to church often and is quite frank about switching denominations over a bike path dispute. What a theological war that must have been.
This is the kind of insincerity, shallowness and superficiality that keeps these guys losing. If they have religion it is only important in their lives as a photo op or endorsement. They invent their own God, quote the good book out of context thus advertising their ignorance.
They might try and talk to Lieberman and ask him to explain religion to them but I think they feel the party would be better off without him.
Oh well ignorance is bliss...but only where it's folly to be wise.
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" Psalms 111:10

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