Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Apostate Assaulted In Holland

Ehsan Jami's family moved from Iran to the Netherlands thirteen years ago. According to The Brussels Journal, as a young boy, Mohammed was his "hero." However, after reading the Koran he discovered that the prophet was "a criminal." So, last month, Mr. Jami, a local councilor and member of the socialist Labor Party (PvdA) in the Dutch town of Leidschendam, announced his intention to establish a Committee for Ex-Muslims.

I give this little bit of history because Mr. Jami was attacked this past weekend, reportedly for the third time. Remember now, this is the Netherlands, where Theo Van Gogh, the filmmaker critical of Islam, was murdered. Death threats from the prophet's psychotics are common in this country and Ehsan Jami is, gasp, an apostate. To the islamomaniacs that is an offense punishable by death.

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