Monday, August 06, 2007

Hillary, Never Got It, Never Will

Hillary got boos and hisses from the tin foil blogger set at the annual Kos Kook Convention. The Clintons, the lobbyist whores that they are, have to defend special interest donations. By refusing to eschew lobbyist campaign money, Hillary drew the wrath of the Kos pack of primitives.

She was also asked what three lessons she learned from her failed health care reform effort during Bill's presidency. Her reply? “It is not enough to have a plan. You’ve got to have a political strategy.” That's how she sees it and how most politicians interpret rejection by the majority of the American public. She can't admit that what was needed was a good plan and that hers was a terrible idea. No, these pompous egomaniacs think they failed because their plan was too sophisticated and all that was wrong was the presentation. They just don't get it and they never will. That is why we need people who are not career politicians to represent us.

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