Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hanging Is Too Good

The Democrats are now so bold as to admit outright that the success of our military in Iraq is not in their best interest.

House Whip James Clyburn, Democrat from South Carolina, just recently proclaimed that a successful surge strategy would be "a real problem for us." The question is who are the "us" he is referring to. It's not the American "us." No, it's that group of Democrats who value their party above their country. They are concerned the party will split over whether to continue funding the war.

As more and more anti-war lawmakers reluctantly begin to admit that the new strategy is achieving success, Democrat leaders are aggressively strategizing against the Bush administration and the Iraq war. They cannot derive a moment's pleasure from the victories of our troops. They would rather seek new ways to undermine our nation's struggle. That says it all.

Get the ropes and horses and find a tree.

See more at FOXNews.

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