Wednesday, January 10, 2007

More Meaningless Maneuvering

According to CNSNEWS, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a massive homeland security bill Tuesday without holding hearings beforehand and some are worried that the Democrat's desire to look proactive may cause flawed policy. Really?

The question is why this many years after 9/11 is the government still trying to figure out what it needs to do to protect this nation. If there is a rush now it's politically motivated as the Donk's try to make themselves look security conscious before the 2008 election.

If there are flawed policies it is largely because of political pandering to the looney internal malcontents, foreign interests and any other party whose sensitivities may be offended by our taking strong action to protect the American people.

Implementing every recommendation of any government commission is just wrong, but so is waiting this long to address obvious security failings. When the National Guard is retreating from armed intrusions at our borders, there is something vastly wrong with our perception of what protecting this nation means.

Pelosi is using our vulnerability to play politics, but this is no different then what Bush and his cronies have done. The same manure as usual continues to stink up Washington, only the flys are different.

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