Monday, January 15, 2007

Choudary Continues Inciting The Insane

Anjem Choudary seems to be at it again. Known as one of Britain's most extreme muslim preachers, he is now suspected of using a fake name on a secret jihadist website so he can rally islamomaniacs to do "holy" war in Somalia.

Contacted by The Sunday Times, Choudary refused to confirm whether he was using the alias Abou Luqman or if he knew of the website.

This insane islamic cleric, who fills in for his banned from Britain Lebanese lunatic pal Omar Bakri Mohammed, has a history of fanatacism that makes one wonder why he is still alive, never mind on the loose. He was never even been prosecuted for his death threats against the pope, saying anyone who insulted Prophet Mohammed would be "subject to capital punishment". He also is quoted as saying, “The Pope needs to be careful in what he says because you only need to see what happened to Theo van Gogh and Salman Rushdie. People should be aware that certain punishments in Islam are justified for certain actions.”

If this psycho preacher is proven to be spreading his creed of hate and violence once again, it's time for Britain to give him the boot if they haven't the stomach for giving him what he deseves. As he, himself, said, justified punishment for certain actions.

Patrick Mercer, Tory spokesman for homeland security, put it well: “Choudary must be closed down. It’s appalling that the Home Office has not done anything against this man so far.”

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