Tuesday, December 20, 2005

John Kerry, He's A Dilly

In what he is now trying to be pass off as a joke,
John Kerry commented to a veterans group in Boston, "If we take back the House, there a solid case to bring articles of impeachment against this president.”

The Boston Globe reports that a spokeswoman for Kerry, April Boyd, tried to downplay the senator’s comment with a zinger of her own, saying "Impeachment jokes in Washington are as old as Donald Rumsfeld." Not only does Kerry lack a true sense of humor but, he is constantly having to clarify, restate or extricate himself from his own words. So, John, is it not reasonable for many of us to have doubts about your 180 form?

Release your military records like you promised. What type of discharge did you originally receive? Free your 180, the whole thing. Tell the whole truth!

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More on the John Kerry "impeachment joke" at NewsMax.

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