Friday, June 17, 2005

Dick Durbin UnAmerican And Unwanted

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. (Photo: AP)

"This is the type of thing you would expect from a repressive regime. This is not the type of thing you would expect from the United States."
Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.

This is the type of thing you would expect from a subversive. This is not the type of thing you would expect from a senator of the United States.

Beware of this man, he wants us defeated and submissive to his terrorist accomplices. He is an insidious saboteur of the lowest order, disguising himself as a representative of our people. But he truly represents and sympathizes with those who would destroy our culture, our country and our constitution. There is no lower lifeform than one who betrays his fellow citizens, his own countrymen.


Zelda said...

You said it Bob!

BobG said...

Thanks, Zelda, it's always good to get a visit from you.