Friday, March 24, 2006

First Hillary, Chapter One, Verse One

Hillary is now attempting to use bible references to legitimize her hypocrisy. "It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures," she said when discussing the illegal immigration issue before NY "immigration advocates." "This bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself," she babbled.

Well, Hillary's undertsanding of scripture would fit in a thimble and then it would rattle. The Good Samaritan parable has nothing whatsoever to do with illegal immigration. If Hillary wants to peruse her bible, then let her look to the abortion issue and scripture that might be relevant to the taking of innocent life.

Hillary, the harridan, has changed her stand on illegals and border security nearly as many time as Bill has broken his marriage vows. It is so obvious that she has a different stand depending on the audience that I can't believe anyone could possibly vote for this dishonest shrew.

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