Wednesday, March 15, 2006

US Bishops Respond To Dems

On February 28th, 55 Catholic Democrats in Congress issued a statement of principles on abortion.

Here are some excerpts:
"we work every day to advance respect for life and the dignity of every human being. We believe that government has moral purpose."

"We envision a world in which every child belongs to a loving family and agree with the Catholic Church about the value of human life and the undesirability of abortion; we do not celebrate its practice."

If they agree with the Catholic Church, how could so many of them have voted as they did on partial birth abortion? See here.

According to Jimmy Akin, spokesman for Catholic Answers Action, “The fifty-five signers of the statement have done American voters a favor by revealing what hypocrites they are. Their statement of ‘principles’ is a transparent attempt to disguise their position, and they’re not fooling anybody. They are putting their politics above their faith.
The statement says that they ‘work every day to advance respect for life,’ but the signers of the statement have an 80 percent anti-life voting record this term."

Among the 55 signatories is Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader, which should immediately arouse suspicion. Some have attributed this statement to a memo released by James Carville and his associates. It addressed the large losses of the Catholic vote that the Democratic Party has suffered in recent years and identified abortion as a key reason for it.

So, in typical donk style, out comes a Clintonesque statement designed to obfuscate and confuse, vague enough to be absolutely meaningless.

The US bishops have responded,"we also need to reaffirm the Catholic Church’s constant teaching that abortion is a grave violation of the most fundamental human right – the right to life that is inherent in all human beings, and that grounds every other right we possess."


You can read the entire statement at Priests For Life and also the response from the US bishops.

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