Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Government Continues to Fail Us

The population of undocumented residents in the United States increased by about 23 percent from 8.4 million in the four-year period ending last March, according to the analysis of government data by the Pew Hispanic Center, a private research group.

This is unacceptable to the vast majority of the American people. So, why do our elected officials ignore the problem? The voters need to make this an issue in every election. We must make sure in every race that there is a candidate with a strong stand on illegal immigration and willing to increase and enforce the penalties for hiring illegals.


loboinok said...

undocumented residents? Don't you mean ILLEGAL aliens? Americans hire them for cheap labor because our poor had rather live on welfare. I've got some good links for you on my newest post on how to report illegal aliens and such.

BobG said...

I used the terminology from the news. As you can see I later referred to them as what they are, illegals.