Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sonny and Chair

One day after the supremes gave us another "hit" decision, no electric chair for killers under 18, guess what?
A school bus driver was shot to death as she drove her route Wednesday morning and a male student was taken into custody, authorities said. No students were hurt.
The murderer is 15 years old, so I guess he won't have to worry about paying for the crime. We'll send him away just long enough to get a good criminal education and then we'll turn him loose on society.
Thanks, supremes, your infinite lack of wisdom shines through once again.


Zelda said...

It's terrible Bob. I wroted about this stupid Supreme Court decision on my blog as well. Shouldn't there by something that citizens can do about such activist judges?

BobG said...

Zelda, for one thing, we as voters can kick out of office the people who nominate and approve them.
This is why it's important to get some good conservative justices on the bench and demand that the democrats stop their obstruction of our president's choices.