Wednesday, March 09, 2005

If You're Not Part of the Solution, Guess What

"It's not a matter of if we reform Social Security, it's a matter of when and how we reform Social Security," said Republican Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska.
Hagel introduced his plan Monday. It contains personal accounts similar to President Bush's proposal, but also includes a fix for the long-term solvency of the system.
On Tuesday, Hagel asked where the Democratic plans are.
"I hope the Democrats will be introducing some Social Security reform legislation. I have not heard them talk about their alternatives other than raising taxes," he said.
The Social Security System is a problem for all Americans to deal with. Let's hear everyone's ideas and then pick something that the majority of Americans can live with. If you don't have any ideas then admit to the fact that you lack imagination and creativity and probably have no business representing the American people. Do not, however, sit in the peanut gallery (a good spot for Jimmy Carter) finding fault with everyone else's plan. The mere act of gainsaying does not make you a part of the solution. Bring something useful to the table or stay home.


Stacy said...

Well said, I'm not a big fan of Hagel, but it appears he's making a move away from being a R.I.N.O.

Anonymous said...

The reality is the Dem have np plan much like they have no ideas on much of any relevant issue that betters America.

The philosophy of the Democratic Party for years has been to criticize Republican points and then try and formulate a position that best fits focus polls.

The best they can offer too is chicken & rice.
