Monday, August 29, 2005

Bush and Congress Preparing A BOHICA

BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again!

Get ready to be sold out. The plan is in the works to keep 10 million or more illegals in our country with a symbolic slap on the wrist and the wink of an eye.
Any politician that votes to support this abomination should be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town.

Pay close attention during the coming weeks and watch the Washington marketing machine in motion, as it attempts to set us up to swallow the rotten fruit of its own misadventures and failure of the last several decades.

Remember the previous amnesty? That was to be the final one and so we were lied to again and again and again. It needs to stop here and now. We must make sure Washington understands we will not accept this travesty of justice.

PHOENIX - Struggling to pacify his party's warring wings, President Bush is moving toward allowing illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. before February 2004 to qualify for guest-worker visas. People smuggled in after then would be deported.

Bush and his advisers are caught between their supporters in the business sector, who believe the economy needs those workers, and conservatives whose priority is to clamp down on illegal immigration. The White House hopes to have a detailed proposal to Congress in late September or early October.

According to administration and congressional officials who took part in a series of White House meetings this summer, Bush does not favor requiring illegal immigrants to be sent home to apply for the visas.

From the Sierra Vista Herald.


loboinok said...

Why does he have to be such a bonehead in this area?

Anonymous said...

This is the hot ticket of '08. I don't understand why the whole 'guest worker' program hasn't been instituted. Both sides of the American populace are okay with it, but not the politicians.

BobG said...

Stacy, good to hear from you again. The issue is more about not rewarding criminals, those who have entered illegally, by granting them anything except expulsion. Then, we must offer every one of those vacated jobs to able bodied Americans currently on the dole. If they choose not to accept those jobs than we cut them loose from welfare and look for legal, acceptable guest workers (those with no prior records including entering this country illegally) to fill those roles. Anything short of that is rewarding lawbreakers.

BobG said...

Very well said, Warden, very well said.